Money dominates our world. Most recognize this, and yet how many of us have paused for a moment to attempt to sort out the implications?
As we've collectively drifted further in the direction of a materialist and reductionist doctrine, money has become our new god, in a very real way: Our foremost value, towards which we quest and strive. Exacerbated and encouraged via a consumerist paradise in which we devote many of our best and brightest minds to devising new ways to manipulate people into wanting things they don't need, a process which has the sick side effect of our actually needing many things that we no longer think we want.
'God is dead' in the hearts of countless hundreds of millions throughout the western world, and inevitably, a new god must fill this void.
How does our service to this new god manifest itself? Greed, self-interest and instant-gratification are its hallmarks. We now largely worship at the altar of the basest elements of our natures. A society or culture's highest value dictates its nature, everything else is 'downstream' from this highest value. . . it shapes our worldviews, our collective manner of thinking and being, our interests and goals.
This nameless and faceless monster has never had so much power at any point in human history. Our politics are controlled by money, with democratic elections revolving around advertising and public exposure, 'branding', all of which require money. Lobbyists and special interests fund candidates and campaigns, and this has become the hard and fast rule, no longer the exception. Money controls Hollywood and the entertainment industry, Tech and (increasingly) the Internet, law and the courts. Money can make use of NGO's and various upstart organizations with lofty sounding titles to foment social change at home and abroad, even overthrow foreign leaders and install puppets.
The most nefarious encroachment, however, is in our press and news media, those most foundational elements of a nation, on which so much else depends. They act as our main informational inputs with regards to the outside world and literally serve to shape and condition our brains: our knowledge base is a sum of our informational inputs, nothing more and nothing less. If our only outlet of information with regards to politics or culture or int'l affairs is our press, it naturally follows that they have immense power and responsibility. They have the unique power to dictate the course of popular culture.
Have you ever asked yourself why so many major media organizations operate at a financial loss, and yet still find willing buyers, no matter how unprofitable they may be, as long as they still have influence?
Those who claim mass media has lost its way due to a profit motive are missing the point entirely. In the business world, the business engaged in is the 'means', and money is the 'ends'. With regards to the influencers and manipulators and conditioners of public perception in the mass media, money is the means, and the power to influence and control are the ends.
Manipulation and influence is high art, and has become something of a commodity. . . as have you, as have I. We're effortlessly herded to and fro, between products and services to purchase, political candidates, ideas and concepts. . . with only one tie-that-binds all of these things together: they all serve to benefit a small cabal of individuals.
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.”
–Thomas Jefferson
Please don't make the mistake of thinking this group of wealthy elite atop this pyramid are multifarious forces, independent-minded and marching to their own drummers. Virtually all mass media in the nation is currently in the control of a mere five companies, whose leading power brokers meet regularly with one another behind closed doors, engaging in off the record discussions we'll never be privy to. We've been efficiently conditioned over the past few decades to react in a dismissive and mocking manner to the word 'conspiracy', but what is the definition of this word, really? Strip away all of the mental conditioning and negative word-association over the years (a term created to manipulate) and the definition is clear and concise for all to see: A conspiracy can be defined as individuals working together behind the scenes for common aims. To deny that conspiracies often occur is to deny human nature, to pretend individuals would avoid covert cooperation to most efficiently achieve a goal. This seems patently absurd.
Those in power conspire for greater power. This is an obvious truism for any awake individual.
To think that mass media, the most potent tool in the arsenal of any force seeking power and influence, would be somehow ignored by these monied interests, seems equally absurd.
“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.”
-James Madison
You've been taught to view us as 'kooks', you've been taught to view any alternative perspective to the corporate media with extreme skepticism. My question to you is this: can you name one major news story, one significant mass-media narrative, that would hurt the economic bottom line of international finance and monied globalist interests? Stop and think for a moment, and try to produce a single example of this. Whether it be policies or candidates supported, or military adventures like Iraq and Afghanistan, or the border policy causing the destruction of our middle class and inner cities by opening the floodgates to both legal and illegal cheap labor. . . if you can think of one single example in which the corporate press has acted against the interests of those I'm suggesting are its controllers and masters, I'd genuinely love to hear it. I've been unable to find a single one.
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson…"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt (in a letter to Colonel House, dated November 21, 1933)
The underlying premise here is that our major media institutions don't exist to inform or educate the public, but rather to manipulate, condition, control and shepherd. This was evidenced by the collusion to destroy Bernie Sanders in the primaries, just as much as it is by the backlash against Trump's 'America First' agenda. And let's pause for a moment to marvel at this: a nation who's monied 'elites' and complicit corporate press can, with a straight face, attack and defame the idea that a nation should seek whats best for its own citizens. The average American benefits from an America first policy, ask yourself who stands to benefit from its opposite?
" has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
– Napoleon Bonaparte
Our founding fathers saw clearly this greatest of all threats, and fought hard to develop a structure that was as immune as possible to the machinations of this class of men for whom ethics and morals are comprised without any hesitation, if they become impediments to personal gain. They are the most ignoble element of the species, and a structure with money as its foremost value, its god, is a structure that inevitably leads to Kakistocracy, rule by the most greedy, psychopathic, dishonest. A rootless chameleon will always have an immense advantage over an individual that prizes honesty, transparency, honor and loyalty. There is no contest, the former shamelessly casts off all foundational principles that make us noble and just, allowing for complete freedom of action, the latter is constrained by what he considers to be moral, or beneficial to his fellow man, or his nation. Our founding fathers were brilliant men who saw this threat clearly for what it was. We've let them down, in the most profound sense. We let our guard down, and the snake once again slipped through the cracks. We ignored warnings and admonitions, we were fickle, and became forgetful and intellectually lazy.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
– Thomas Jefferson
I write this to encourage those who still digest traditional media to entertain the possibility that those seeking to influence your mind have a motive-force, and are controlled by individuals and groups that don't have the task of informing and educating you objectively as their greatest goal. I ask you to entertain the possibility that you aren't receiving objective truth. I'm entreating you, sincerely, before these red-pilled and blue-pilled worlds end up so far apart that we can no longer communicate, to at least take a casual glance at some alternative sources of information/news, from time to time, to determine whether their message resonates with you.
There's an awakening occurring in our nation, and across the entire western world, to varying degrees. One of the most telling and intriguing aspects of this awakening for me personally is that I've witnessed countless hundreds move from 'blue pill' territory into 'red pill' territory, and I've yet to see a single person cross that line in the reverse direction. Once certain truths are learned, they can't be unlearned. Pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together, history begins to make sense, power structures and political/economic machinations become transparent, even predictable.
My contention here is that you've been buying into a very slick, very attractive and psychologically convincing and well-produced lie. I say this with no pretense or hostility, just an earnest to be heard and considered. So much is at stake, at this fork in the road. This battle of hearts and minds will decide if we move into the future as free and independent nations, seeking the best for our citizens, rewarding merit and hard work and virtue, or whether we form a singular globalist entity, in which the almighty dollar is our god, and those who most efficiently control the dollar becoming our absolute masters. When we cease to reward and promote the worker, the producers, the creators, and instead heap limitless riches on the middleman, the showman, the corrupt and pretentious element of society willfully ensconced in echo chambers of their own design, mutually assuring one another that they are the best and brightest and deserve their positions of unchallenged dominance. . . when we follow this path, we're essentially assuring our own destruction. It becomes inevitable. We've developed a monstrously efficient kakistocracy, in which the man best suited to rise to the top of the heap is he who is the most root-less, foundationless, willing to compromise every last vestige of ethics and morals and virtues, and capable of thinking and acting shameless and pretentiously, devoid of wisdom and the particular brand of modesty which so often follows as a result.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
- Henry Ford
Andrew Jackson made it his foremost goal to destroy this form of parasitic and usurious finance that destroys nations from the inside out: 'You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, will rout you out'. He survived two assassination attempts as he did so. Lincoln was the next to pose a serious challenge (“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity”) through the issuance of 'Greenbacks', he was shot and killed shortly after. Kennedy was the next courageous soul to place citizens above bankers, issuing executive order 11110, threatening to destroy the dominance of the federal reserve over our nation. He met a similar end (another random loon, of course. . nothing to see here), again in the most public and graphic manner imaginable.
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can, in fact, inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.”
-Major L L B Angus
Corrupt money still utterly dominates our globe. . . but a very real awakening is beginning. Despite the best efforts at censorship on the internet, and thought/speech controls of all sorts, it's spreading like wildfire. I'm asking that you please consider the 'other side' of the argument, and give them an honest, dispassionate, objective chance.
Seek out uncontrolled informational inputs, as a counterbalance if nothing else, to more objectively understand the world. Our future, quite literally, depends on it.
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.
“Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.”―Heinrich Heine
An absolutely FANTASTIC post, and completely factual. I believe I had seen most of the famous quotes you used, but they're famous for a reason!! I believe Thomas Jefferson's accurate line, "“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies,” is one than people really need to let settle into their minds. We have an enemy within, and this enemy is determined to bankrupt the nation.
Much appreciated!