Arguably SMT's definitely fit the use-case for Musk's idea, but the idea itself is bad in my opinion. I used to really like Elon Musk, but Pravda is nothing more than a knee-jerk response from a guy who doesn't like the negative news stories being written about Tesla and its working conditions, or every accident that takes place in a Tesla.
In fact, if you read into Musk's history, he has revealed himself as a very thin-skinned guy who can't take criticism very well. It's quite sad to see someone who intelligent who legitimately wants to change the world focusing on problems that don't need to be solved. Fake news is real, but Musk's motivations are disguising the fact he doesn't like how Tesla has been painted in the media.
Elon Musk is starting to sound like Donald Trump and well, that's a slippery slope to find yourself on.