I am a big believer in helping others so I think in the time of extreme natural disasters or similar events if a country is able to help they should, however on a more general basis I don't think the UK should help with foreign aid for the time being.
There will always be a lot going on politically in any country however there is a large amount of political turmoil currently in the UK and there has been for a few years now. Especially with Brexit because it means we as a country have a lot to sort out, a lot of deals to make and you need money to make these things happen.
Also because of these complicated deals that need to be made, foreign aid is something that will be far back in politicians minds. So the foreign aid we are giving is not thought out and is money that could be going to help improve the many issues we have inside the UK.
From the title you can see that recently allocated £64 million to Rwanda to help with various issues and they are doing a three year deal with Arsenal where each year they will be giving the the south London club £10 million
'Rwanda will pay the wealthy London club £10million a year for three years to have "Visit Rwanda" displayed on players' sleeves and pitch-side advertising screens.' Read the article hear
To put this into perspective Rwanda is one of the poorest countries in the world duo to past wars and current corruption and they have a population of under 12 million meaning with that £30 million they are giving to Arsenal FC they could have made a lot of positive change to their infrastructure that would help people support themselves. With such a small population £30 million could go a long way toward making a lot of change that would help a lot of people.
Sadly this is only one small example of how the UK is giving absurd amounts of money to countries that will misuse that money and in the end it will just further fuel corruption and injustice along with it likely be used to further oppress people. Because of the complex political situation in the UK we just can't focus fully on where foreign aid is going so it is constantly being misused and it rarely ever actually helps people in poverty that truly need help, which is why I say we need to stop giving foreign aid so that we as a country are not fueling such blatant corruption.
Currently the UK is giving over £13 billion a year in foreign aid, if that budget was properly allocated inside of the UK it could make huge differences in many areas one being getting UK citizens out of extreme poverty. Then later down the line when we get our own country into a more stable state then we could actually spend time on really planning out our foreign aid budget so that we are actually helping people who need help rather than giving large sums of money to very rich very corrupt people.
At this time in the UK we just aren't in a position where we should be giving foreign aid because we truly need that money to fix the many issues we currently have and then once we are in a better position ourselves we could then make actual positive change in people lives who need it. It seems like we are currently just chucking money in different places so it looks like we are helping and stay in peoples good books, we are putting on a front that we are helping when in a lot of cases we are likely hindering the people we are aiming to help because to put it blatantly we don't have our own shit together so how can we help others get their shit together.
...enjoying your post - but you might want to change this maths bit - it wildly incorrect, mate..
back to reading...
Could you let me know whats wrong about it, I'm being blind to my mistake.
Oh ye just realized my stupidity, numbers don't go to well with my brain. thanks for pointing that out.
Oh god I shouldn't talk about numbers in the morning ahaha thanks for point out my stupidity!
lol - i know the feeling....
12 million meaning with that £30 million
lets call it 12 million people and 12 million dollars = $1 each
I've done exactly that kind of miscalculation to! lol
Ye numbers have never been my thing something just doesn't seem to click most of the time ahaha
Lolz, I never knew you were a Spurs fan :-)
Seriously though, you have no idea on the power of advertising, at the end of the day people's perceptions are that of Rwanda being a war torn country that nobody wants to visit.
However their troubles are clearly over as far as war is concerned, and they are desperate to get people back over there to spend their tourist dollars.
Arsenal are a team that is heavily supported by the Afro-Caribbean community, hence the Rwandan tourist bureau felt that it would be a good investment. Add to that that Arsenal are an international team, supported the world over and that £30 mil could turn into £300 mil in a few years.
However like life, it's a gamble, which may or may not pay off.
How would you encourage people to go back there? Especially given the fact that nobody will give you free advertising.
ahaha Liverpool fan myself but I do like to cheer for spurs to annoy my brother, a die hard arsenal fan through and through.
I had a conversation with my brother where he was saying the same thing about advertising and It definitely could be a worthwhile investment but at the same time it could also flop and only bring a small amount of tourism, because If I saw a football club advertising the a holiday destination it would not interest me, however I guess Arsenal do have a lot of reach and influence.
I guess we have to wait and see how this turns out because if I gave a struggling friend money and rather than buying something they need they put a bet down on something I would be very annoyed but if the bet paid of I would have to give them props.
I hear ya, however fans tend to support their team in many ways, this is why club sponsorship is so sought after. I don't know Liverpool's sponsor, but I bet if you were in the market for their services, they would be at the forefront of your thinking.
I bet this site http://rwandatourism.com/ is due a lot of traffic in the coming months.
PS, UNICEF's profile went through the roof with their partnership with Barca, hopefully the same thing can happen to Rwanda.
PPS Unlucky for the Champs League final :-(