Nice article. I believe you hit the nail on the head for the vast majority of people. I don't really care about looking smart, but I did go through that stage when I was younger. I also can see bias in 99.99% of the "news" I read today regardless of the source. I will say the places blasting the "fake news" label tend to publish more fake news than some of the places they end up listing.
For example: Wikileaks. They've actually never been shown to have released fake or untrue news. Not a single time that I am aware of. Yet, they tend to make the list. The list of fake news is more an attempt to force people to only listen to approved "propaganda" outlets.
Why, is this suddenly a cry?
The Propaganda outlets failed in their mission to elect Hillary. They (and me) were certain she would win. I was pretty sure she'd been decided on at the very beginning (many months before the election).
I was pleasantly surprised she lost. I was not happy because I endorse Trump. I voted third party. I was happy, because it was apparent by the reaction (and the reaction still today) that things did not play out like the propaganda institutions had planned.
So since there is so much bias, I try to read the news from many different sources (including propaganda outlets) and treat them like big puzzle boxes that have some pieces from the actual puzzle I am looking for mixed in with their own picture.
If I dump out enough boxes I might find the puzzle pieces. It doesn't always work out that way. I have a pet peeve with hypocrisy and I am seeing so much of that these days that I am virtually always frustrated and angry when reading the news.
Good article... resteemed.
Your right, Wikileaks hasn't released fake news that I'm aware of, but they haven't given us the real news either.
Wikileaks is working with the MSM, need I say more? There is a lot of news that they aren't telling us. Wikileaks is controlled opposition, as is Snowden and just about everyone that you care to take a look at.
I wrote the following post 3 months ago and I now know a lot more. Assange is a diversion and fraud.
Controlled Opposition - Your Friend Might Be Your Enemy