Is can understand by means of communication any object that makes the times of via for driving information of a subject to another. These media, above all those of massive scope are the main producers of subjectivity in today's society. Through their messages and content configured and created opinions, forms of thinking and acting as well as of feel.
Without doubts the introduction of the television in the society makes already more than 50 years has had and has its effects. Consider other former times even to the radio that were used by the ruling classes of cultures and societies certain strategies of domination.
While them laws of many countries point them forms that must meet them media of communication, their role, their functions, rights and obligations, are very far from respect them same and more when are in a super commodification that is being exploited to the maximum by them owners of these media mass of communication.
To all us like thinking that we choose freely, that our thoughts are own and that not are conditioned by what others say. But there is that tell, that today we are in a world invaded by the media of communication. In other words, the media have the power to control our vision of reality. This power becomes a risk for the people, since it is easily manipulated without even suspecting it.
In many circles of society the media have been traditionally classified as a type of particular industry as soon as their powerful influence and manipulation of the audience. As journalists, it happens that if before the professional produced under the influence of State power, now it conforms to commercial and institutional policies that the company in required, either in favour of a trade group or of a political circle.
In fact, the media of communication, both written as electronic, "have treated of influence in the work State, not always in benefit of the well common and of the freedom of expression as sometimes is has dear understand".
Until this point is possible admit that them media, in terms real, already not are designed only as a space reserved where is materialized the freedom of expression, which you gave some protection to them constant threats of them forces of power. However, the application of the media can be distinguished thus: on the one hand the media are an extremely powerful industry in economic and also political terms.
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