Steemit... Is it Blogging or Journalism?

in #media8 years ago

Twitter has done wonders for transparency. Anybody with a smart phone is now a full fledged journalist. It does not matter how many followers you have on Twitter if the right person re-tweets you. Does that sound familiar. Steemit is also a quick way to make sure information gets out. If anybody ever has immutable proof of alien life or something. I am willing to bet it will be shared on Steemit through Youtube before Facebook or Twitter. If the clearnet censors it you can always post on Zeronet then put a link on Steemit to reach more eyes. Steemit is already decentralized in the sense that people can re-post whatever content in protest should anything happen. I am excited to see what world event breaks on Steemit first. Just like reporters reading tweets to you through a T.V screen. Steemit cuts out the middle man by making you the anchorman or anchorwoman. Imagine a major news network mentioning @matrixdweller, My blog would go nuts.

If people are willing to pay $136 for a single share of Facebook stock who's to say what Steem will trade at. Inflation alone does not guarantee a low price. Facebook's market capitalization is 366 Billion today. Bitcoins is just 9 Billion. Steemit is a first in the crypto world just like Bitcoin. Steem is the first crypto-currency that doubles as stock in a social media empire. Steem Power is simply stock in Steemit and every other platform built on the Steem blockchain. Sold to you over its own open-source platform with no middle man.

A platform that enables people not yet corrupted by big corporate sponsorship to become the news is one I want to be on. That used to be Twitter but now I am wondering why Twitter does not profit share with their journalists. I told a guy about Steemit last night and he said. "What is the world coming to when you can make money for posting on social media" I said, ask yourself why Kevin Heart made 2 million dollars for some promo tweets for Sony. Nobody has made 2 million dollars for a blog on Steemit yet and average non-famous people are the ones making it. I also asked him where he thought Facebooks valuation came from. I told him it comes from you and I having a Facebook account. Steemit simply found a novel way to pay you what you are already worth. I think he might actually check it out. He claimed he isn't very good at Facebook and probably would not make any money anyway. I was skeptical of Steemit at first. I get where he is coming from, some people work really hard for their money. The thing is some people don't. Hard work does not equal productivity. If you do math in your head it takes more work but a calculator will still give you the right answer. A CEO making 4,000 dollars an hour does not "work hard" in any sense blue collar people would use the term. Is that wrong... Or is his work simply deemed less valuable because it took less sweat. Now I am not a fan of CEO's making billions on the backs of the underpaid. I am a fan of working smarter, not harder and sometimes smart work is hard work. Writing these blogs is not easy. Thinking of meaningful things to write about , checking my spelling, dealing with the emotions any good blog drags up. These things are hard work. Until Steemit there was no real way for the average Joe to be paid for this kind of work. Similarly There was no Hollywood or famous actors before Motion Pictures were invented.Is being an Actor "Hard work"? When did we get so focused on who works the hardest instead of who's the most productive.You get productivity by dividing the reward attained by the effort needed. If you put in huge effort to make little reward That is unproductive and vice-versa. All technology is simply artificially increasing productivity. I don't have to write this in a letter & mail it to all of you because of the internet and computers decreasing the effort I need to generate the same value.

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Very apt points. Also it actually takes a lot of work and effort to write a decent blog post like you just did. Strange that some people think it has no value. It still costs time and effort.

wish i discovered you before today. lol

Most posts here are blogging some are journalism.

Whats the difference????

Journalism is being on the field out front meeting and interviewing real people, getting pics and names (name can remain secret), and being the first to bring attention to a topic.

Blogging is gathering data from many journals and condensing and or elaborating on the topic but with out actually being the first to to get the info.

Both are important.

That's my 2 cents which is worth $0.0000001

That's a great point, I never thought of Steem as stock before.

i think they are writers/bloggers.. not journalists lol

Thanks for the reblog, @steemed-open. Great post, @matrixdweller.