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RE: The Age Of Trump Clearly Shows That Narrative Is Everything

in #media6 years ago (edited)

Too right mate!

Must be hard to be a one trick pony, working as hard as you do for krikey rubles. How many rubles a month Cait, are you even in Australia?

Deep in Russian troll factory in outer Wallawallglukapankawingwang, in the hot and red dusted Australian outback -- near a ole watering hole for roos and rabbits. Inside a rusted dilapidated old corrugated shed, the sound of Rolf Harris singing, "Tie me Kangaroo Down Sport" to the kiddies inside, on a scratchy ole record player. As we approach the shed, crying and sniffling and whining from inside from Australian progressives who signed up for a free paid holiday for journalists, and to spit some vinegar in Trump's eye. Turns out to be a vacation from hell. As we draw closer, ever closer to the scene. We enter the paneless window, with a, fluttering old shredded curtain flapping in the light hot breeze. Out eyes adjust to shaded interior. A poor Australian pussy-hatted scribbler name Caitlin "I'm as good as any man, and much much more, mate" Johnstone, sits chained to a low-end 80's laptop, with a five inch floppy on the side. Swollen finger tips, like the whites ends of spring onions, from punching for weeks on that ole crank; sweat on the poor Sheila's brow; red flushed faced on her Irish complexion: a fading once bright sparkle in her green eyes. There she sits, bagged out and hot, chained, typing script from a three-ring binder in her nickers and a Wal-mart bra, dusty red outback feet, sun blacken from her trips to the loo for a wee...

Caitsy :" What the fuck have I done? I'm doomed!...But I'm a gooder righter really, I can do better that this...CAN'T I HAVE ANOTHER STORY TO WRITE...PLEASE MATE. Not another Trump piece again, pleaseesah. I can't do it, I've been so long on this flickering laptop, I'm blinking out of sequence.?"

Russian Troll Factory Master: "Zapisyvat'!"

Caitsy: "What?

Russian Troll factory Master: " Zapisyvat zapisyvat!

Caitsy: " I can't speak that! Look here mate, I'm a Socialist feminist righter ya know... and... I can do better than any wanker in this room can...oy mate how bout some water to wet me lips..."

Russian Troll Factory Master: "Napisat' kisku!"

Caitsy: "Hey ya fukkin wanker, lemme talk to Mr Poutine, this is ridiculous, I'm a better righter than this mate...I went to college I'll have you know, in Melbourne."

RTFM : "Khorosho, vy khotite pogovorit' s Putinym?"

Caitsy: "Can't you speak Ozzy mate?"

RTFM: "YA probedil tebya kak ukrainskuyu sobaku zhen...Zapisyvat !"

Caitsy: "I gotta itch in me nickers and me hands chained Ivan. Lemme do a story on...on..anything but im, the orange fella."

RTFM: "Napishi tebe, blyad', suka. Pishite plokhomu cheloveku oranzhevyye istorii!"

As we pan away from the tormented scene, rusted heat and cries... the sound of Rolf again, singing, playing his didgeridoo and the wobble board for the wee fellas "...tie me kangaroo doown. All together now! Tie me kangaroo down sport. Tie me kangarooo down..."


This strange comment shows all the earmarks of growing mental illness. Caitlin Johnstone is one of the most insightful and important political commentators on the internet. l admire her courage, intellect and persistent good hope for people. I am not surprised, just disgusted by this vicious comment, nor its having so many fake upvoters. This attack just shows how much of a good impact Ms. Johnstone is having on readers. This makes some very sick people very angry at her great success.
