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RE: The Age Of Trump Clearly Shows That Narrative Is Everything

in #media6 years ago

"insightful and important political commentators"...get a grip.

There has to be a counter to her idiocy. Young minds are reading this crap, and believing it is is not, it is lies influenced by Russian trollism, and fake news. By her paymaster. And her bullshit needs an opposition.

That's the problem with the Internet, too many idiots like her and not enough people countering the crap, most are self-censoring, and that only signifies a lack of leadership. And a changing world of communication being shut down, slowly. And the growing Socialist left that is trying to turn the world into a godam gulag.

And this third wave feminist has a counter-balance, and that is speech is bitch eh!

I read her aricles talking about vibrators and orgasms, and even the POTUS -- every second article is a bad man orange speech about nothing -- spouting her mouth of about issues she has no knowledge of what so ever... and that is, what? Fine and dandy.

But, me writing sarcastic retort, in the form of an extremely dark skit -- a piece of art -- a metaphor. It vicious and cruel and mean nasty and, and oh so terrible, causing micro-aggressions in the tribe of you silly lot...oh a definite sign of mental too fucking funny arse hole.

What is mentally ill is the Socialist liberal left.

"Courage"...she's a loud mouthed third wave feminist. There is no courage involved.

"Attack"! Are you serious... Your language is apparent of a beta male...

I have countered every argument she makes with fact, humor and mockery, and sarcasm. That is part the written word...the literary way...

...her promoting drug use is despicable.

Her hatred of white males is below all...

Her groveling in front of you virtue signaling insane left, is nauseating, and pretentious.

Their is neither truth, nor sincerity in her words, and if she takes exception to mine...then she needs to find a new occupation. Because I will counter her lies, with truth.

So you know what mental illness is...and we haven't even met.

No blood rests have been performed by you, no genetic arrays, no conversations in a cloistered room of bald headed shrinks, but you know mental illness, judge me as mentally ill. Lol...

I think your a pussy whipped beta.

I don't get angry.

I'm an individual; I'm a white man who knows his strengths, and I won't have fuckers like you bother me at all.

You're a vitue signaling twit...with no sense of humor.

Interesting that I am getting to her...maybe she will tone back the vitriol, about America, and white males...and her feminist bullshit, all that other craps she peddles as news


It seems you need to spew quite a lot of vitriol. It also seems like you are having a fit, rather than making a passionate well-reasoned, factually supported comment. It is as if the more you say ugly things the more persuasive you are. Not so.

Are you real? Your writing sounds robotic---programmed and paid for. Or are you just a stupider Rachel Maddow. Caitlin is a big girl and can take care of herself, but it is a shame to see attacks on those who are telling the truth about the present state of the U.S. political class.