The Curious Alt Media: Gloom & Delusion
Every morning for years now I've looked forward to listening to Dave's X22 Report on the Financial and Geopolitical condition of the US and the world. Indeed, X22 was my gateway into the virtual world of mostly upper middle class white men who love money, wealth and the freedom to accumulate it and buy stuff. This might seem a cynical perspective on this genre, however, this is what America is about. It's the dream that's been sold that they (pardon my generalization) bought into and now it looks like it's collapsing and they are either scrambling to increase or preserve their personal wealth, ostensibly teach and help others to preserve/increase their own wealth, or profit off of the fear generated by the socio-financial conditions they are predicting.
I'm not saying they're wrong. I'm not even saying I don't believe them. I knew almost nothing beyond basic economics before I started tuning in, I've collected a lot if information about their perspective of the world and how money works, etc. I've also gotten a perspective on how they feel about humans outside of their socio-economic class and how, for the most part, they buy into the stereotypes perpetuated by the propaganda machine they claim to be providing the alternative too.
When I strip away the rhetoric and the "expert" analysis the bottom line is that the majority of the personalities in the alternative media are angling to increase their personal fortunes... and although I'm listening, they're not talking to, or reaching out to people like me, or my friends.
They are building a financial ark for themselves and their kind as they condemn "libtards" and "socialists" to rioting and looting in the inner cities when the government checks stop coming. "Delusion," is a word tossed around so much by talking heads and disembodied voices as to practically have no significant meaning anymore. In fact, I had to look it up;
"characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder."
The "mental disorder" caveat allows those who believe themselves to be rational and reality-based to dismiss those with whom they disagree. The largely held beliefs in environmental engineering (chem trails) and MK Ultra mind control vs. the largely held disbelief in same.
The 9/11 attacks is another example. For the majority of us the "information" we accept as a "rational argument" to shape our reality is hear-say. Thus, which ever side of the "conspiracy theory" we believe, those who believe the opposite side can argue that we're delusional.
And September 11, is history. "We" can't agree on what happened almost twenty years ago, and the alternative media analysts are trying to predict a financial future?
Back to X22.
I've been listening to Dave's reports since the 700s, (he numbers all of the reports - he's up to about 1,300 now.) He seems to be one of the most neutral, non partial, in terms of the socio-political dichotomy, reporters out there. He bases his reports on economic indicators and data that comes from around the world. I perceive Dave as a kind of info-junkie data analyst who spends most of his time researching and learning, including from the guests he interviews on the X22 Spotlight.
Over the couple of years I've been listening he's remained convinced that the economy is headed for a collapse but his reports are more tempered now, less frantic. However at times he does get excited when his analysis hits and one of his predictions come true, such as the recent bank bail-ins in Spain.
This both increases his credibility (with me, anyway) and viewership and thus his influence.
Personally I like the way Dave thinks, and analyzes events and trends. I've learned quite a bit about how the global economy works. I've "met," most of the alternative reporters I follow to this day by way of the X22 channels.
It's certainly been both my gateway to the alt-media, my daily doom & gloom report as well as my remote view of the global economic collapse.
I've included one of what I think is one of Dave's best recent Spotlight interviews and maybe even a link to the Steemit page. (
Enjoy. Remember, you might be labeled "delusional" if you choose to believe this.
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Our "currency conversion" is planned. It was supposed to be this year but our debt wasn't high enough for the dominoes to start falling. If there is a "correction" in the stock market when we hit 20 trillion the dollar will be worthless sometime in 2021. This is hardly a secret among the elites but with a faith based system they can't just blurt it out. I wrote an article called Globalist that explains it in more detail. Someone with IMF told me.
Hey thanks for that info.... Cheers.