Tooth Regeneration Breakthrough - No More Drilling

in #medical7 years ago

tooth repair.jpg

They call it the greatest dentistry breakthrough in 50 years. They can place a saturated sponge into a cavity and regrow the tooth, naturally. The animal experiments are completed and now human clinical trials are next. Can you imagine no more drilling in a dentist chair? Go science, go!!!


But can I grow vampire fangs? :D

I just had to get a tooth pulled and a bridge because of a failed, 5-year-old root canal. Darn, I wish this was already something we could sign up for.

No more fake tooth ? I never thought that was possible .

Woah. No more getting scared of going to the dentist. Wohooo!

That's a great gift to humanity , you are sharing some great articles .

yabba dabba doo. when where and i realy afraid of dentists. i also dont show me in public,lov self esteem.
and i wass the person everyone liked, party i been bed king 7 yrs. waiting for this brake trough

Wonderful. This is a great one

Wow, nice! Dental issues have been pretty much not repairable naturally. This definitely changes the game. Dental health is linked to so many other health problems, that this can really improve the health if humanity. Thanks for sharing

hooboy, can't wait to go to the dentist someday and grow me some new teeth, that's gonna be a good feeling.

Wonderful technology wow

Whaaat? That's awesome!!!!

Sounds great, hopefully, its less painful than the current proceeds for filling a cavity and prevents the removal of teeth that currently can't be saved.

sounds cool.wondering if they invented this years ago someone has been sitting on patent like alot of things will it ever see the light of day.
could put alot dentists out of work. shall be interesting if this ever takes off or not dental work is very very expensive some cleanings can run you over $500.00 its insane.

I don't think it puts dentists out of work. It gives them a more effective tool to fill cavities using our body's own cell growth in a directed way.

I cant really predict what it would be for humans. Don't blame me , I have never visited a dentist ... Lol

yabba dabba doo. when where and i realy afraid of dentists. i also dont show me in public,lov self esteem.
and i wass the person everyone liked, party i been bed king 7 yrs. waiting for this brake trough

The greatest breakthru my arse! they've always known! The dental industry has always known of ways to regenerate and heal cavities and decaying teeth naturally. Even this said sponge technique is just another reason to go to the dentist instead of remedying your ailment from home with oil pulling or natural mouth washes!

looks great, but maybe in 100-200 years.