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RE: Pura’s Health

in #medical4 years ago

That's a wild situation you've had to deal with! How is she doing now? Skimming through some of your old posts and I saw this one and was hoping that some natural methods would help. It certainly seems that it has!


You're really earning points.

Getting engagement on new content is exciting. I've never received concern like this from an old article and it's really nice. Thanks for asking!

It's an on-going battle. They narrowed it down to Celiac in the UK but she was diagnosed at a real young age with pancreantitus. So it's tough.. you can't challenge biomes n shit because of her pancreas. It's a trip dude. I know my issues, I can physically see them. Ankle hurts—ice it, elevate it, stay off it. Wtf do you do for a twisted something inside the stomach area?!

Slowly making progress, that's how I'd describe it. Not regressing. Since we're going to be state side longer than expected, she just schedule a new appointment with a specialist here in the area. They'll compare notes, start back at square 1. We're super healthy eaters dude. We're confident one of these days, one of these specialists and, preferably before she gets another attack, we're dealt the physician who's like, "Here it is. Take one of these before bed, have a nice life!"

Ah that's real tough man. My wife is battling a combination of issues from Candida overgrowth, leaky gut (much better now, thankfully) and adrenal fatigue. We had taken care of it years ago and she was a lot better but we started to slack on our diets, which is the most important factor in all of this stuff, which led her to getting a diverticulitis flare up, pretty bad actually. Hospital, insane strength antibiotics and all that and it wiped out her immune system pretty much back to square one. That's when the adrenal fatigue reared it's ugly head again. Turns out, a few weeks ago we read, that Ciprofloxacin, the go-to medication to treat diverticulitis is utterly awful for adrenal issues and really kicks the stuff up. Plus it destroys joints and tendons but that's not advertised in the pamphlets on the stuff. We would love a miracle pill to take but sadly that's not how a lot of this works. Rebuilding our bodies is the more sustainable way, as challenging as it is! When we cured it the first time it took about 2 years so we are hoping we know more this time around.

Pancreatitis is really challenging! For something as small as it is, that damn pancreas is important and causes havoc when it's not happy. Have you seen a naturopathic doctor at all? I know you've seen many physicians and in a lot of different areas but one of the best things we did after trying to do it purely on our own is consult an ND (naturopathic doctor, holistic equivalent of MD). She took bloodwork and came to some of the same conclusions we did based on our own research and opinions which was great! What she had though was the experience and studying of the stuff and knew what to look for and what to test. It helped to have some information on what her values were and what they should be and then give us supplements to start taking. The supplements, being the correct ones, have really helped my wife progress!

I don't think you understand how specifically you described Pura's issues.

Dude have you guys got her checked out for Celiac? Pura's been diagnosed pre-diabetic and everything else, took a few years for a doctor to discover it. She was in England.

Probiotics, very conservative eating habits, all of the above—what you said! Trip out, my homeboy back home was having issues with his wife—same thing. They got her diagnosed properly now, she's on the same meds now and everyone seems to be progressing nicely but slowly. Gotta be a long history of all the shit we unknowingly consumed in our youth, no? What do you think?

Heath is the greatest blessing.