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RE: Pura’s Health

in #medical5 years ago

Start with a pinch of each, that’s what I did. I’ve since learned a little more pepper and a little less thyme is where I like it. I really think you’ll agree with me if you give it a shot and be as pleasantly surprised as I was.

Pura said I use “two dashes” of pepper, that’s probably equivalent to a little more than a pinch. The thyme can be overwhelming, though, if you use too much. Start easy on that one and see what you think. If my fingers had a measuring scoop, it would probably read “2/3 pinch.”

Hope that helps.

It sure is cold here, @janton. Are freezing in Texas yet?


Our crazy weather this winter has been mostly 20 degrees warmer than normal. The next few days will hit 75. I think I'll work on my tan.

Thanks for the measurements. lol. that does help.