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in #medical7 years ago

This is awful to hear about I am so sorry you went through that. I have anxiety and now "post concussion syndrome" which is basically mild brain injury, on my chart. That makes them not listen to anything I say either. I hate it because I automatically go into "good patient" mode when I am at the Dr. I act agreeable and want to listen and take all their advice. When i get home I usually realize they ignored many of my complaints. For example for the past year I have been complaining of constant ear ringing and pain in my right ear. The Dr never even looks in it! Thats because I also have problems eating food, and lots of stomach aches.. etc.. and they chalk all that up to my brain injury and anxiety. Its really freaking stupid. I told them last time I was eating only lentils and rice and only like one or two meals a day tops. For MONTHS. They just told me to keep a food diary??? When I got home later I was like wait, i already just told her that I cant eat anything but lentils and rice without pain. I already know that. Why do i need to keep a food diary and why don't they care that I am essentially not eating much at all? That was over a month ago and I still have all these same complaints but I dont even bother trying to go in now. It's so stupid because now I am wondering if my ear hurts due to a tooth issue! Like why dont they just even ask investigative questions? Oh, because I have anxiety and so I am making it all up ! ugh. I am so sorry because you are experiencing a much worse version of this.

Also look up this thing called Buzzy for shots and blood draws. Its this vibrating thing that they use for kids sometimes. It confuses the nerve signals and helps you not feel the needle at all. I have heard great things about it, maybe it could be one small thing to help you out when you have to go be tortured. When I had my concussion, I went in for a severe headache and the nurse did an IV and she was so bad at it, it was very horrible pain. I basically yelled and moaned the whole time she was inserting it. And I was in the ER for like the worst headache of my life. I have been through childbirth so I know what bad pain really is! So I believe you that the needle hurt that bad. I was very bruised afterward as well. :(


I hope that you one day figure out why you can only eat lentils and rice. Sometimes the only thing we can do is find our own solutions. You also understand how it feels to be treated unfairly because of what is in your chart. They look at my anxiety and suddenly I am acting hysterical...can't be spoken to like an adult. It's really unfair. I have heard of buzzy...but wasn't sure how effective it was. If ever I see one in the store ill bring it with me the next time.