
in #medicine8 years ago

Do you know that from the blood of a crocodile doing a sensational medicine!

In Thailand patented a new drug that helps fight cancer and AIDS, and is also effective in the treatment of anemia, diabetes, allergies and diseases of the immune system.
Increases resistance to all infections and viruses.
Increases the potency.
Cures women from infertility.
Due to the high content of hemoglobin in the blood of a crocodile increases the hemoglobin of patients.
Rejuvenates the skin, improves complexion.
Promotes rapid healing of wounds and sores, effectively fights infection through stimulirovanie production of insulin IGF1.
It turns out, since ancient Asian athletes drink crocodile blood, which is probably why the Chinese are so hardy.
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I do not know whether this information is true, but if such use is good. And crocodiles do not suffer.
And the photo of a crocodile from the Moscow zoo.