strong horse medicine

in #medicine7 years ago

halo steemit mania. whether your partner is not satisfied with you. probably because you are not passionate in bed. let's take a strong medicine this stallion, this strong horse medicine has a tremendous efficacy. so it can add to your calm and make more passionate again. immediately try to surely your partner is more satisfied and not likely kecewe second lali again


How is this thing made? Whith horses body parts?

sorry friends, how to make this cream can not sanya love to know, because this has been made secret ... I myself do not know how to make ya .. thank you l love

I know asiatic medicine kils alot of animals, tigers, bears, horses, monkeys... I am against this violence that s why

Maaf kawan, jangan salah pemahaman. Lami membuat obat ini, yg jelas tidak menyakiti binatang. Bagian kuda kami cuma ambil air susunya saja, selain itu kami menggunakan bahan bahan tumbuhan lain nunya, salah satu nya. Biah pinang yg masih muda dan akar akar nya kawan .. Maaf, jangan salah pemahan. Saya sendiri pun marah melihat orang yg menyakiti binatang ..