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RE: The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Trump's War On Opioids

in #medicine8 years ago

I really enjoyed your post and the way you managed to tie in so many health and political topics together in a cohesive way. I can relate so much with this, I once had a doctor tell me that when becoming a doctor, he took an oath to help people like me, but if he did the DEA would take his medical license, so he gave me a prescription and asked me to try to find another doctor, which I did.

I have Cerebral Palsy and kidney issues which had me on opioids for almost two decades and for the last decade I had a doctor that loved to randomly cancel my appointments and go out of town for weeks at a time leaving me with no option, but to go to the ER. I always found it odd that I was not allowed to stop abruptly, but he would not have refills ready each month when he skipped town.

This type of behaivor by the medical community drove me into the arms of the drug markets on the darknet, so I could have a stock pile of medicine as a back-up.

Almost a year ago my health had improved enough to where I could wean myself off the opioids and now I rarely take them, but if I was in your shoes, I would look into the drug markets on the darknet, because that's a lot better than attempting sleep under crystals shaped like pyramids.


I understand! One of my best friends growing up, Eddie Ferrolla had CP and took opioids... There wasn't the onus back then and even when we were grown in the 70's he had no problems. I know this sounds terrible, but his nickname was "Eddie the Cripple," (we could call him that- if somebody else did, we'd beat the crap out of them). It wasn't like he didn't know, back then it didn't matter as much. He worked on the garbage trucks (In Cambridge Mass this is like hitting the lottery) so his healthcare was paid for. He NEVER got disability- he worked so he wasn't disabled... that's how people used to be. Now disability has become like a lifegoal or something.

I lol'd at: Eddie the Cripple

I never got on disability either, but about 3 months ago I moved to England to pursue a Steemit relationship with @cathi-xx and strangely enough CP might be the key to British citizenship since they have tightened the immigration laws in 2012. I am not allowed to work here, which works great for me since my only source of income is trading cryptos and writing posts.

What do you think you will do to manage your pain and to avoid being surprised with a sudden detox?