Herbs are something amazing. They not only fill the air with wonderful scents and help for flavoring various dishes, but also have medicinal properties.
Those of you who have their own garden, certainly grown into it and various herbs. Here is a list of some popular and not so herbs and their healing properties.
Aloe vera - antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects; helps wounds and burns; natural laxative; soothes the stomach; It helps in skin diseases.
Basil - strong antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-infective and antibacterial effects; soothes the stomach.
Black Cocos - obekchava menopausal symptoms such as cramps and heat waves; helps blood circulation; reduces blood pressure and cholesterol; It has a beneficial effect in stressful situations. Note: Do not take during pregnancy.
Black walnut - helps eliminate parasites in fungal infections and warts; aids digestion.
Cinnamon - 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria can not live in the presence of cinnamon. It has great antibacterial and antiviral effects.
Hot paprika - Catalyst effect of other herbs; It has a beneficial effect in arthritis and rheumatism (interior and exterior applications); It helps with colds, flu, sore throat, sinusitis, headaches, fever; assist the kidneys, heart, lung, pancreas, spleen and stomach); increase heat production by the body, which helps weight loss.
Carnation - strengthens the immune system; It has antioxidant, antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.
Cypress - Cypress oil has antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic and astringent effect; assists the liver; reduces perspiration.
Dandelion - helps relieve the symptoms of postmenopausal syndrome and menopause.
Echinacea - strengthens the immune system; It has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects; It helps with colds and flu. Note: do not use for a period longer than two weeks. Do not use if you are allergic to sunflower.
Eucalyptus - anti-infekktsiozno, antibacterial and antiviral effects.
Garlic - helps to fight infection; acts detoxifying; strengthens the immune system; reduces fat; It helps for fungal infections, asthma, sinusitis, circulatory problems and heart disease.
Chamomile - helps with stress and bezdanie; improves digestion; It helps in colitis, and other bowel disorders; purifies the blood and improves the function of the liver and pancreas. It helps to relieve skin irritations caused by working with strong chemicals.
Zdravetc - expanding biliary tract and helps the liver; It has antispasmodic, antibacterial and astringent action.
Ginger - helps with nausea, vomiting and motion sickness; improves blood circulation and digestion; It has an antioxidant effect.
Lavender - helps with burns; It has an antiseptic effect; relieves symptoms of depression and environment; used in cosmetics.
Lemon - antiseptic effect; improves blood circulation; strengthens the immune system.
Marjoram - anti-infective and antibacterial action; dilates blood vessels; regulates blood pressure; relieves muscle pain.
Marshmallow - helps with urinary tract infections; diuretic effect; It helps with kidney problems and indigestion; relieves cough and sore throat; It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects; accelerating wound healing.
Melissa - helps with nervous-system problems; It has an antimicrobial effect.
Mullein - helps with asthma, bronchitis and hay fever.
Smyrna - anti-infectious, antiviral and antispasmodic action; soothes the skin; strengthens the immune system.
Regan - strong antibiotic; particularly effective against microbes, such as Staphylococcus aureas, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Boron - helps with severe infections and hypertension.
Rosemary - antiseptic, antibacterial and detoxifying effect; improves liver function and helps prevent cirrhosis.
rosewood - anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral activity.
Sage - helps with stress, problems with the nervous system and digestion; There antiphlogistics action.
Garden mint - calms the nervous system.
Tea Tree - antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal activity; relieves burns and other skin irritations.
Thyme - helps with tuberculosis
Natural medicine strives not to suppress symptoms and to detect and remove the cause of the disease. It is aimed not only to treat but also to prevent diseases by establishing eating habits that strengthen immunity.
Source: wakeup-world.com; Picture: www.freedigitalphotos.net
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