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RE: The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Trump's War On Opioids

in #medicine8 years ago

I take 110 mg of Methadone which is supposed to be equal to 440 mg of morphine a day, plus 120 mg of oxycodone which is supposed to be 180 mg of morphine and they want to cut me to 50 from 620! I'll die of pain!!!


A number in the statistic is what you are for them. The guy goes home from his desk and his psychologist says that he shouldn't bring the job home so his family functions better. Everyone just shuts up and it's business as usual. I read that l-tryptophan could lower your opiate tolerance but don't know if it is true. Ketamine would also lower the amount of opiates needed but I am not sure and have no experience. Maybe your doctor will kniw some tricks. Good luck and sorry about your situation. Dependent on the health system who wants that you are independendent from drugs. weird