Vaccine Redux: A Silent Epidemic

in #medicine7 years ago

@canadian-coconut has done so much good work on this topic that I feel a little bit redundant posting, but everyone- expecially people with children, or more sepecially planning to have them- needs to watch this video... and ask yourself this: Why is every subsequent generation of children born less healthy than the one before?

One thing, perhaps the most important, thing to look at is how the studies on the safety and efficacy of these drugs are done. This is political science in it's most literal connotation. Virtually everyone associated with the FDA or CDC comes from the pharmaceutical industry- either directly, or indirectly having received funding from them. The studies themselves are highly questionable, if not altogether suspect... done in the same manner as the tobacco studies of the 1970's and 80's. It's the same way that "global warming" studies are done... beginning with the conclusion and then working backwards to find evidence.

As with the tobacco studies, these studies (and I use the term loosely) are funded by the pharmaceutical companies. The "scientists" that conduct the trials throw out any results contrary to the predetermined outcome are dismissed as being "inconclusive." This is the same junk science that put fluoride in the drinking water of most metropolitan areas in the US.

Since the advent of the MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccine, autism has increased by 600%. The leading spokesman for the vaccine industry is Dr. Paul Offit of Philadelphia Children's Hospital who says that a child can take up to 10,000 vaccines at once safely. He believes (or at least says he does) that autism is a genetic anomaly. If this is true, something exceptionally terrible has happened to the national genepool. His remarks made me decide to check him out and low and behold... Dr. Offit holds a patent for the rotavirus vaccine and made millions from it working for Merck... Hmmm.

And that's just one vaccine (MMR) if you total up all of the vaccines given to children before the age of one- it's unbelievable. It takes a human autoimmune system a minimum of 3 years to develop- before their immune system is any near developed, children are given a lethal cocktail of foreign antigens. In my generation, we grew up with the Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox... We all turned out to be healthy adults. Whose interests are being served by these vaccinations? As always, when investigating something wrong- follow the money. This has nothing whatever to do with children's health... this is about corporate greed and government corruption- pure and simple.


If we stop vaccinating we will all succumb to shitty diseases that we had beaten already.

There is a big difference between vaccines and ones that are known to be unsafe because they contain mercury and formaldehyde (neither of which have any medical benefits- unless you want to be embalmed premortem).

They claim the reason those toxins are used is to hijack your system so the vaccine can work That should say everything.

I always tell people I like my mercury the old fashioned way... straight out of the thermometer!

In my country vaccines is a must to babies 1 years old.The vaccine record is a requirement when kids reaches grade 1 elementary.

It is here too... that's how they force the poison on people!

Most of us who find ourselves concerned with the content of vaccines are not anti-vaxxers. That is a misnomer...we are calling for better science in freaking TWO THOUSAND SEVENTEEN that doesn't poison our children. Surely, there is a less harmful preservative available other than mercury and formaldehyde.

In many cases, the danger can be removed by not giving so many shots at a certain age or by simply waiting for a child to be a bit older before giving them a certain vaccine.

Why is the push so adamant? Who is benefiting most?

If the answers to these questions are reasonable, then that's the explanation that needs to come out rather than trying to silence and discredit those of use fighting for the sound minds of our kids!

i made a special thanking post including you as special ..please check in my blogs

If only people took the time to watch these videos, do some research, use their own judgment... it's our kids health that's at stake here!
But so many rely on MSM solely for their information

Thank you! It's not all that difficult to find info either. It took me 5 mins to check out that Dr. with the HUGE conflict of interest. Lamentably- you hit it right on the head... the MSM will interview some quack that's bought and paid for by Big Pharma and the sheep buy it!

To vax or not you trust your government or don't you? When it is for profit, your best interest is not taken into account. They couldn't be poisoning you more if they outright put arsenic in your well. Wake up.

We have the best government money can buy... There's a line in my Night Gods story where one of the characters tells a presidential candidate- a politician is only as good as the corporations that pay to get them elected.

Boy is that not the truth! Money runs the country, truth and honesty be damned.

its amazing post mam!!! its great for kids ...and parent for awareness purpose ...great post as a whole!!!!

This is a heartbreaking issue... Fortunately, we have no children, nor plans to have any. This is ones of the reasons. I simply don't know how I would deal with this issue. Parents who choose not to vaccinate are subject to judgement by their peers, legal action, and even losing their children in some cases. At least that's how it is in the U.S.

Thanks for sharing.

Great post! - We are 5 generations deep into a %heteroplasmy rate that allows us to barely make enough ATP energy to stay awake..5 min after we "wake up" to our blairing alarm. As a low dopamine human, we each have to start getting back to nature and getting rid of epi-genetic toxins that are killing our MtDNA - Mitochondrial DNA. Vaccines just add another p450 pathway load that we can't make enough energy to redox. #getnakedandgetoutside #greatthesun #2/3 of your energy comes from #sun #water #grounding aka #passiveelectroncollection #ElectronSnackingStandingOnTheEarth @iamericmorrison

Thank you! You said a mouthful! If you think about it, these toxins (and that's exactly what they are) not only contain a lethal cocktail of antigens, they have DNA from monkeys, chickens, other humans (albumin) and God knows who else!

#say #superchosmaticnucleas #tentimesfast :) Your Welcome. Generation 5 is the weakest we have produced to date and the spectrum of "disease" is growing in sync with the level of technology we are using. ATP is life. No ATP, no unfold proteins. No unfold and fold proteins, no redox. Thats the breakdown chemically of a substance in the body. There really is no such thing as "detox"...just redox. So, if one was to concentrate fully on their #RedoxPotential and #PercentHeteroplasmy...we would be onto some serious Energy production!

Regarding studies of such vaccines and drugs, they are biased of course for the benefit of the big pharmas.Well sadly our babies will get vaxxed anyhow because parents will just obey the doctors @richq11

these diseases were eradicated by sanitation and good water supplies , look how many disappeared that were not vaccinated against as with polio that was redefined and primarily a result of toxic herbicides and pesticides ,
my kids have had no vaccines and are full of energy and always healthy while allot of their class mates have all sort of issues , .
the so called elite did in their writings describe how they would use vaccines to dumb us down and lower birth rates

Why is every subsequent generation of children born less healthy than the one before?
not true..
check the infant mortality rate. How many children are living today who would NOT be fifty, one hundred, two hundred (etc) years ago?

In times gone by...many (most) children never lived to be weaned.

Too bad this conversation has boiled down to stupidity in the mainstream:

Vaxxed: The CDC lied
BigPharma: Who do you trust, doctors and the govern-cement, or a bunch of conspiracy theorists?
Scientism: Scientists are always correct. Doctors, too.

Or, you can go full conspiracy theorist mode. TPTshouldn'tB with their front man, BigPharma, wants you dead. However, they are doing it slowly so as not to raise any suspicions.

Big pharma needs customers. So they help create them

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