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RE: A Better Diet May Help To Treat Depression

in #medicine8 years ago

Good nutrition, physical activity, and fresh air are essential to optimal health. A close friend has been fighting depression for years with varying degrees of success, but recently she mentioned she has finally found something that worked for her: Vitamin B3 Niacin.

For anyone struggling with depression it might be worth investigating. Naturally you should seek competent medical advice before trying niacin.

On it has a 9.7 out of 10 rating by those who have taken it for depression. Here's one of the comments:

"2 years ago my step daughter was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. She couldn't go to school, she was suicidal and completely dysfunctional. She has been on Zoloft since then. We decided with diet and exercise to spend 6 months weening her off the pills which was hard. I read about Niacin and we came off of Zoloft and immediately into this. 3 pills a day, which would make 1500MG. The flushing subsided very fast for her. On day 3 she went for a run, voluntarily. On day 4 she said she would join soccer. 3 weeks in she was better than ever before. I thought, its a fluke and when her pills ran out I accidentally bought flush free Niacin. It took one day to bring her down. Niacin works, she said it lifted the fog. Banannine April 28, 2017"


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Yes I have heard that some people have improved from taking niacin.