Oh Yeah "He" is the professor from the first comment. He was very slight old bald guy who taught Latin and some humanities courses and had some interesting ideas about things. I took several of his classes while I was at that university despite some of them really not counting toward anything that I needed.
Haha Having never eaten a baby, I can't say what the appeal is. They do tend to run slower than adults so that might be part of it lol.
The psychedelics were always fun and they really have provided tons of material to write about so, despite what the anti-drug types might say, they have been pretty positive in their impact.
apparently it is sucking in the babies energy while they are in fear mode and is a blood sacrifice so yeah they enjoy blood. so there ya have it ... we've all seen it in movies and many cannot hardly believe our eyes and ears but it exists. we all know it, if we listen to the whispers.
anyhoo ... its up to some of us and then all of us to stand up to them and vengeance will be made. it is what it is.