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RE: 7 Day Meditation Challenge: Everyone Wants to Meditate... But No One Actually Does It.. Join Us Today!

How's this going with everyone? Want to share your experiences?

I have meditated daily for years with a lot of joy most of the time. For me it's like turning my light switch on and when I don't meditate or connect to the Divine in some way, I feel like I'm stumbling around in a dark room, not able to find anything.
Today I did the mantra Om Amriteshwarye Namaha 108 times. It is a mantra of the holy Mother that works very soothing for me. I do different practices and pick each day what I feel I need. I have a lot of experience with many different kinds of practices and want to offer my humble service to answer your questions should you have any. I am Clara, I am also on ecotrain and also on board this wonderful challenge that @eco-alex has set up so nicely. Thank you Alex, it is such an opportunity to create the habit of meditation and a real gift to yourself. There are not many gifts that are greater.