I prefer dancing, the active meditation rather then sitting still for hours! When I meditate in the classical way, I see how it helps me afterwards, I mostly do it when I am angry (which is not so rarely when raising kids :)) ). But now when I meditate, I don't try to stop my thoughts - i just observe the positions the face is making and all the body movement and the reactions. The thoughts go away and the body takes the control when I meditate. So for me is not about sitting still. Is just making the mind still and the subconscious me express the pain outside.
How long do u manage to meditate? Indeed it gets easier! If u will persevere, if might get pleasant also! (little probable :)) )
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Yes ~~~~<3 I like what you say about doing it active in life and not necssarily sitting down to meditate. I find both are helpful and i think a little regime can be good! my life is naturally unstructured so it's up to me to bring the structure so i find that helpfuL!
each morning for 15 mantra then 15 meditation and same in evening :) and yes, looking forward to those pleasant times ( i have had some already ;) ) ... i've meditated for days straight before (at meditation retreats) and i have to say i love it!