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RE: 1/9/18 meditation it better to have loved and lost?

in #meditation7 years ago

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. If rejection comes with the first possibility connection, then loneliness after rejection is worse. If rejection comes after having made a connection, then loneliness in he first state is worse.
My argument is that one can often find solace and even companionship in the world of good memories. One has a standard of comparison and can explore the depths of love and or loneliness after having know connection through relationship.
I will not tackle the debt and payment issue.
Blessings and peace.


"one can often find solace and even companionship in the world of good memories. " i loved that thought. seriously amazinggggg! that was insightful and profound af.... definitely gonna have to meditate on that deeper.

lol maybe the debt and payment isnt the right metaphor just trying to conceptualize moving from one state/position to another...
thank you so much for your sharing your light!!