Chapter Intro
The feeling that we don’t have control of our own lives is the ultimate frustration. Even when it feels like nothing is going right you are still the master of one thing, your attitude.
Chapter three was all about synchronicity. This chapter is about a topic that’s very closely related to synchronicity…perception.
Perception is the lens or filter in which you see the world. Our perception is as unique as our fingerprints. No two people will see the same thing in the exact same way. This accounts for much of the conflict that goes on in our world.
Since this universe tends to deliver to you more of whatever you hold in your consciousness, the quality of your mood and the way you perceive the world is super important.
At the end of this chapter is a very powerful meditation that can magically transform bad days into good ones.
Read on...
Chapter Five
Have you ever had a day or even a few hours where everything felt as though it flowed perfectly and the things you do seem effortless? This feels spectacular, doesn’t it?
During days like this, your productivity is amazing and your energy level seems almost infinite. Even if challenges arise, we can stay level-headed and find a quick solution to whatever problem is trying to plague us. When we are in this positive frame of mind we feel a sense of hope, our mood is upbeat, and the world seems like a beautiful place.
On the other side of the spectrum, we’ve all had those days where we’ve felt clumsy, out of sync with everyone and everything around us, like nothing is going our way. Despite our best efforts, we can’t get anything done, can’t focus, and feel tired and depleted. When we’re in this state of mind we’re often moody, and suspicious of other people’s intentions. The world seems like a dark and dangerous place.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein
What is the difference between these two kinds of days?
It all comes down to your frame of mind and how your mood filters the events that are unfolding in your life in real time. Often when our day starts out bad our frame of mind devolves into a negative state and this sets off a chain reaction that creates those horrendous “days from hell” that we’ve all experienced.
What if I told you that—today and every day—you have a huge degree of control over what kind of day you have?
The truth is, you do have considerable control and that is directly related to whether you choose an optimistic or pessimistic state of being. It might sound overly simplistic but you can choose to be miserable or you can choose to be happy. You are not a victim of circumstance, the quality of your life is determined to a large degree by your perception of it.
“You are not a victim of circumstance, the quality of your life is determined to a large degree by your perception of it.”
Allow me to explain. In our physical universe, like attracts like. The more you meditate, the more you will notice this. If you walk around with a general feeling of dread and hopelessness, you will attract a flood of negativity into your life. If your mood is upbeat and positive, these are the life experiences you will attract. Again, like attracts like.
As you begin to regularly meditate you will naturally become more positive as you increase your mindfulness and by doing so you will attract an abundance of positive experiences into your life. Don’t take my word for it: once you begin your regular meditation practice, you will see for yourself.
Imagine a terrible thunderstorm with driving rain, lightning and terrible winds. It is the trees that are flexible and bend in the wind that have the best chances of survival. The trees that stand rigid are usually damaged or destroyed. The same holds true for life. We must learn to keep a somewhat open mind and not always fight change. Change is scary for almost everyone but it is sometimes necessary to improve our circumstances.
In this life, change is the only constant. Change, on some level, happens all around us in every moment of every day. In this rapidly evolving world, those who are the most successful in life are those who manage change well. Our ability to deal positively with change greatly affects the quality of our lives.
Your Soul’s Guidepost
Your level of happiness and fulfillment are our soul’s guidepost. During your meditation practice, as in life, your level of happiness and fulfillment are our indicators that tell us if we’re moving forward or slipping backwards.
If you are pessimistic and unhappy most of the time, your soul is merely trying to tell you that there is something in your internal or external life that isn’t right and needs to change. Fortunately, you are the person who is best suited for the job of deciphering what this is and creating a positive shift in your life.
So if you find yourself in a pessimistic funk ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this way?”
“Happiness doesn’t come from having the best of everything but making the best of everything.” ~ Gail Lynne Goodwin
A regular routine of meditation gives you the tools necessary to make clear-headed decisions and deal positively with change. Not unlike a lot of things in life, if you keep up your practice you will see real, tangible results.
Keep in mind that meditation isn’t always easy, but is a very honest practice. You receive out of it exactly what you put into it. Don’t expect miracles right away but one thing is for sure; with continued and dedicated practice, tangible gifts will begin to materialize in your life.
Regaining Control
How many of us have found ourselves in situations that feel like they’re careening out of control?
Our thoughts can easily send us into a downward spiral of negative emotions like rage, jealousy, or fear. In this physical world, we don’t always have control over the things that happen to us but we can have control over how our brain processes the events and our reactions to these external influences. Most of us have been conditioned to react subconsciously to certain situations that arise in our environment. We don’t take the time to think or to analyze.
"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." ~ Voltaire
These automatic emotional reactions can easily spin out of control and result in embarrassment or damaged relationships. How would you like to not only take steps to better your external circumstances but also have the freedom to react to those inevitable, unpleasant external conditions with clear headed confidence and poise? Among the countless benefits of regular meditation is the freedom from those seemingly uncontrollable emotional reactions of anger, jealousy and fear that we usually end up regretting.
A common trait of those who regularly meditate is their ability to control the most important instrument in the world, their own minds. Just as a virtuoso perfects the playing of an instrument, a person who meditates learns to be the master of the most powerful instrument imaginable, their own mind.
What could you accomplish in this world if you controlled your thoughts instead of your thoughts controlling you?
Putting It Into Practice
Over the next twenty-four hours try to be as conscious as possible of your state of mind. Are you generally feeling more pessimistic or optimistic?
Be conscious of things that spark negative moods in you like anger, frustration, and fear. When these situations arise, instead of losing your temper or allowing yourself to spiral into a bout of anxiety or a bad mood try something different.
Ask yourself, “What is this trying to teach me?” Many times the answer is just one thing, patience. If someone cuts you off in traffic or is rude to you for no apparent reason, try to remember that it’s not a personal assault against you, more than likely this person is just having a bad day. You can choose to honk your horn or give them the finger and perpetuate the cycle of negativity or just choose to ignore it and go about with your day.
Pause, take a deep breath and allow yourself a few seconds before automatically reacting to these types of situations. If you’re consistent in doing this you’ll not only regain control of your emotional stability but you’ll begin to notice that outside events will have less of an emotional impact on you.
A Powerful Meditation to Shift to a Positive State of Consciousness
This meditation exercise is a very simple and effective tool that has the power to magically transform bad days into good ones. It’s also simple enough to remember and use whenever you need it.
The next time you feel like your day is diving into a downward spiral all you have to do is break the negative cycle. Use the following meditation exercise to shift yourself to a more positive state of consciousness. Here it goes.
Find a secluded spot where you can have some privacy -- an empty room where you can close the door, your car, or even a bathroom stall. Now sit and close your eyes.
Bring your attention to your breath. Shut out the entire outside world and focus on nothing but your breath.
With eyes closed, smile and imagine the warm, golden sunlight on your face.
Breathe slowly and deeply for a repetition of three inhalations and exhalations.
While continuing to smile and imagining the sun on your face inhale for a count of 5, hold the breath for a count of 5, exhale for a count of 7.
Repeat step 4 until you feel your mood and consciousness begin to shift to a more positive state.
All for now.
With Gratitude,
Eric Vance Walton
Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.
Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.
Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.
These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on
I had to reserve this read to when I'm about to sleep so I'd read with a more calm state and apply the meditation exercise.
I hope to perceive the world in the good light always. I choose to not be a part of a negative cycle.. I choose to see, perceive and meditate on the good.
Thank you for this book and letting us partake of it's riches, for free.
God bless you, Eric.
You're very welcome! I hope it makes a difference for you! Bless you as well!
When we are in this positive frame of mind, everything goes well, everything is beautiful in the world. However, when the opposite, we are in blues.
I think this is mostly up to other things around us, which we might not have control upon them. It might not be related to the pessimistic choose or perception degree. In recent years, I think it is rare to see a day that things are on the rails anyway.
"Pause, take a deep breath and allow yourself a few seconds before automatically reacting to these types of situations."
There is a phrase in my country, which, I think, describes this situation best.
One who stands up with anger, sits down with loss
I like that saying....One who stands up with anger, sits down with loss, that is so often true!
reading definitely opens the human mind to a better destiny, thanks for sharing ...
Thanks for reading!
It's very motivating - will give the exercise a try. I am optimistic by all means, but sometimes, I just feel better when alone. Kind of spend some quiet moments.
Thanks! There's nothing wrong with enjoying quiet/alone time. Some of us need that time to recharge, especially if you're introverted.
What if I wake up and know that day is going to be shitty and way beyond my control?
I don't know, like maybe I'm expecting a huge load of work at the office or I had a fight with a friend the day before and we're probably going to have another conflict today because we just can't seem to agree.
Sometimes our realities rise or fall meet our expectations of what they will be. If we expect struggle and strife then most often that's what we experience. Try to shift your energy the next time you wake up feeling that way. Focus on a handful of things that are positive and that you aren't dreading. Often that's enough to start to turn things around. Or try to think about it in a different grateful for the work because it means job security or try to find a way to streamline a work process to get more done with less time (this will make you even more valuable to management). With the friend, if conflicts are happening regularly think about spending less time with them. Not to say you'll ever have a "perfect day" but it might be better than it otherwise would have been. Even when you believe there isn't much within your control it helps to reframe the problem.
Hmmmm.. thank you for your words 😊
I'll try to approach things the way you said them. Thank you
Perfectly Works 100%, but not everyone knows how to tune in for the best. Thanks, very interesting.
You're welcome!
You are such a beautiful writer with mixture of beautiful imagination and true facts.
I appreciate that! Enjoy your day.