How I Meditate

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)

I am often telling others about the power of meditation and it seems there are many misconceptions on the topic, so I thought I would give my thoughts here.


Our thoughts seem to be constantly streaming, so much so that we begin to identify ourselves with our thoughts. Identifying the self is a bigger topic than I am ready to get into today, but I will say that identifying with the awareness is a step deeper than identifying with your thoughts.

In trying to clear your mind, you will notice that thoughts continually pop up. Getting to this point is actually easy and powerful. As you keep clearing your mind, you will notice thoughts popping back up each time. If you have done this, you have already connected to the awareness behind these thoughts and can begin to take control over them.

Being able to see what keeps popping in to your mind is powerful because you are now beginning to take control of what has been controlling you. As you become more aware of the thoughts that pop up it becomes easier to identify them and let them pass.

In this way, I was able to notice the constant impulses and desires that I would normally just act on without even really being aware that I was doing it. I look at it as if I am shining a light in a place that has been operating in darkness.

Shining the light of awareness on these impulses gives you the power to make a conscious decision about whether or not to act on the impulse. As you practice this, you can come to a place where the impulses slow down or even stop.

For me, being in nature helps this process. I have been able to create peace within while sitting quietly in nature. I also like to meditate while walking or any moment that I have some quiet time to myself.

I have often noticed that there are also thoughts that people do not want to deal with, so they avoid quietness by filling their mind with more thoughts. This will keep you from ever being able to find peace. As difficult as some thoughts and feelings are to process, it is much better to deal with it than to run from it forever.

For some, being alone is unbearable because of the thoughts that creep in. For these people, meditation could be a huge help. As hard as it is to deal with, it is actually easier than never being able to find peace. It's time to shine you're conscious light on the these thoughts and take control of your life.

The Steem Experience

There is more that I could say, but I think this is enough to ponder for today. This is one of my favorite subjects though so I am always willing to talk about it. Come find me on Discord if you would like to chat about meditation or anything for that matter.


A good description. I view active meditation different from passive meditation. Active is consciously willed, like contemplation, self-reflection, self-analysis, introspection. I do that often. Passive is just trying to remove thoughts, be in nothingness, to be calm, at peace and promote inner states of wellbeing. One is more productive than the other that just seeks to escape thoughts to promote well being but doesn't deal with the issue through self-analysis.

It's fun to read! Please permission to ask:

When is the time of good meditation and can we meditate in a crowded place?

Thank you!

I think anytime can be a good time to meditate and while it may be more difficult, I believe you can meditate in a crowded place.

Thank you!

Perhaps only certain people can meditate crowded places.


I think one should as part of a meditation practice meditate in a busy and noisy place. You can really gauge how well you can hold and maintain a place of stillness in the chaos of life! Why do we meditate? Is it not to gain control of our thoughts and emotions and have them serve us in our real lives in those times when life is throwing us a curve ball? Try it and watch your monkey mind rattle around......keep trying it until you can find stillness. Just my thoughts do with them what you may!

I read your post this afternoon and actually oriented my evening meditation around the idea of impulse control, something I'm not normally "focused" on, as it were, when meditating. It's a good focal point though, our crazy brains are constantly on this sort of embedded autopilot pushing us down these paths we seem to only be occasionally aware of!

Do you think the kind of food you eat helps/hinders in meditation? Eating too much of sugar, heavy meats and carbs vs a low cal fresh fruits, vegetables etc.,?

Congrats! You've been Tweeted.

Thanks for sharing this. I'm a big advocate for various forms of meditation. I practice several forms myself including mindfulness, zen, and transcendental. It's amazing how many various modalities exist that can help shape the mind, brain, and experience. Meditational techniques have been a huge help for myself and my kids in learning to thrive with ASD and staying in connection with a predominantly neurotypical world— to understand how our way of thinking translates and communicates with others to bridge our inner worlds. I strongly believe without meditation, much of our progress as a family would not have been attainable.

I love these thoughts and am happy meditation helped you so much. It has helped me a great deal as well in my own life and continues to do so each and everyday.

Such an interesting read I thought I try to mediate sometimes but my mind iis always active and like you say things keep popping up, and trying to push them out of my thoughts only brings more thoughts coming up

Im still in the process of getting some basic meditation skills in place..

Im not at all ready to finding my silence as yet, but Im sure one day Im going to master this skill

I just wrote a post on beginning meditation so if you need help on where to start here you go :