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RE: 🌟 Meditation and Buddhism - What is Compassion? 🌟

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)

You're welcome but honestly I'm just reporting the Buddha's insights he cultivated 2500 years ago :) One of the best ways that this will be illustrated is when something knocks you out of what you thought reality was, like someone cheats you or cheats on you (I don't mean YOU I mean anyone) or someone shows us that they are not what we thought they were. Often times, if we are open, we can see where we had created a reality that wasn't real after all and then as a lot of people say the signs were there all along we just couldn't see them through our rose colored glasses.

With this method and honest evaluation of human nature we can get to the root of the causes of all of this before bad stuff can ever happen and it it does our world doesn't feel like it ceases to exist.


This is why I follow others who say to have low expectations, think of the worse, then you will get whatever you thought it was or better. Being honest that anything can happen is very important, that is reality and if we look at anything that happens to be life and appreciated, it's all good. :D