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RE: All in the mind? Meditation to ease chronic pain

in #meditation6 years ago

I just have to believe that the mind is more than capable do what we need it to do, we just haven't or at least I haven't , mastered it yet. I intend to do that and just recently came into possession of a book on meditation.
I have always believed in mind over matter and now I look forward to learning how to do the mediation correctly.


I really believe in the power of the mind - in fact, I believe in it more and more the older I get! Meditation is amazing. I hope you enjoy the book. I have found personally that meditation seems to work better in a group setting, although I have often meditated alone too.

I am sure I will enjoy the book, and I have always believed that the mind is way more powerful and underused by us, especially those of us in the western societies.