Meditation | 4 – Epiphysis activation, journey into the solar system and in the infinite Universe

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)


After the wonderful journey undertaken in the first part of meditation, we are now ready to push farther. Our focus shifts from the heart to the pineal gland, the famous point between the eyebrows. The focus on this point is not recommended for the case, it has a very specific reason and when you become experienced teachers will feel intense feelings precisely in that area. It opens the door to the cosmos and more precisely our spiritual journey will begin scouring the context where is our planet Earth, in our “Solar System”.

Through the pineal gland you activate energy waves that propel us on size even more remote awakening our “higher self”. The higher self is our soul in the role of super consciousness, propels us into the fifth dimension, and allows us to embrace the “Everything”, God-Universe and thus the whole infinity of the cosmos. It merges with “Everything.”
In this phase we will try the most intense emotions brain, sometimes You will suffer real migraine or heat sensations around the forehead and top of the head. This should not make you worry but rather proud because it means that you’ll be real connection with distant dimensional planes, astral; the energy will flow from the center of the Earth to your heart, from your heart to the pineal gland and then to the infinite and remote cosmic realms, and vice versa.

Activation of the pineal gland (epiphysis)


The pineal gland or epiphysis, also called the “third eye”, is located below the brain at the bottom of the head, just at the point between the eyebrows. This gland is regarded by the ancient energetically able to put our soul in contact with the Higher Self, or to open the doors to new dimensions while traveling sub-conscious that we follow during deep meditation or during sleep while dreaming .
The first problem that we should solve, before starting a meditation of structured type, is to put our health in the epiphysis, today too often overlooked and dormant (Is possible to find calcification in it during several autopsies performed on the bodies) . In a summarized way I can however confirm that the activities to keep it healthy and awaken the mystic powers are as follows:

Sun exposure resulting in the production of vitamin D

Avoid ingestion of fluoride sources if not negligible shares

Sun guzing: that the contemplation of the sun (sunrise and sunset)

Sleep in complete darkness away from artificial light sources

Meditating: practicing constantly keeps active and healthy

Physical activity: especially the practice of Yoga

  • You can read in-depth details regarding the epiphysis and in health holding the same in the specific article. After this introduction useful to gather ideas we can proceed with the cosmic journey description; from the Earth to the Solar System, from the Solar System up to the borders of our imponderable magical universe.

Opening of the fifth dimension and energy flow

Now meditation is profound and in the first minutes of this new phase (time varies of course from person to person and from session to session), we must not display any object, person, or imagine to undertake any journey. Our entire concentration is focused on this point between the eyebrows, or alternatively with the precise point of the epiphysis city location, inside our head roughly between the apex of the oral cavity and the lower part of the brain.
Perceive energy and pulsing heat around this point, you develop a kind of similar to electricity, the brain activity is fast and the projector of our sub-consciousness could come out initially only darkness with a few first flash on the blue, blue and white . As the concentration becomes more stable and deep, there appear more vivid and varied colors.

Here’s how to look in a kaleidoscope that releases geometries shapes of all kinds, that follow each other and then are centered towards a focal point. Observe without forcing, we must not be in a hurry to get into the next part of the astral travel display. We contemplate the magic of the journey through the door of the third eye that is putting us in direct connection with the whole, by swishing our vital energy to allow access through the door of the fifth dimension.

We look forward to supporting our concentration in different points, or imagine that our heart (the protagonist in the first part of the meditation, full of love and guardian of our souls), sending its flow of energy through the body to the pineal gland. From here upward over the doors open thanks to the generated higher projections of the same epiphysis.
Everything flows harmoniously, like the blood in our veins, an intense energy channel circulates within our body made of light; this energy pumped from the heart reaches the pineal gland that projects onto the universe through the previously opened dimensional gates, now permanently open! That open door where converge the colorful and dazzling geometries door that is a center point that reproduces itself endlessly, again without limits of space and time.

My dear, only in describing these details is like to meditate, really thank you because with this sharing opportunities you can retrace all the steps, to resurface my travels and further repeat the technique. For this I will be really grateful if you would share your experiences of meditation regardless of your technique, the length of your sessions and simplicity rather than difficulty of your practice. It will be useful for all those who are trying to learn to meditate or are refining the technique, as useful to yourselves, for retracing your journey it will set the points and feelings.

Journey in the solar system and the infinite universe


We are ready to fly bringing to our concentration the last frames of the terrestrial journey undertaken in the first part of meditation. Now even the instinct leads us to climb, climb and climb over the Earth’s atmosphere to the heart of our galaxy. We return to imagine ourselves as a living body of light which now rises to supersonic speeds outside the Earth’s atmosphere; we visualize the performance of our Earth seen from outside, with the atmospheric disturbances that contrast with the color of the oceans and brown continental lands. We see the sun beyond the boundaries of our planet that emits its powerful rays of light, we see the moon proceeds tireless along its satellite orbit. Now begins an atomic festival!

I imagine to fly in front of the Sun perceiving the extreme heat, remaining dazzled by its photon beams, finding myself as big as a grain of sand after coming before him. And now I suppose to receive from the infinite vitality Sun, magical radiation composed of each chemical element that makes up the creation.
I thank God-Universe to make me partaker of this show and for having given a central role in the unlimited plan of universal life.

Now we can imagine to fly, in a blink of an eye, in front of the planet Mars, so mystical in its redness, now in front of Venus, so mysterious and charming, now in front of the giant Jupiter shows that enriched its four moons . And again thank you for the Saturn existence that strikes me every time more because of its artistic beauty, surrounded by sparkling rings formed from particles of ice. Gradually up to Pluto showing me his heart-shaped mass of ice, a wink of love in the most remote and frigid corner of the solar system.
What are my solar system? What are magical planets that float around us? Who art thou Sun that he gives us life through your warm rays of light? I really spontaneous arise all these questions during my meditation. I assure you that there isn’t room for small and miserable thoughts and “problems”.


By now we are intoxicated by a really powerful flow of energy, we alternate the detailed frames of our cosmic journey through the Solar System with the knowledge that the energy continues to flow from the pineal gland to the infinite cosmos and back up our hearts to the core Earth. So sometimes the mind refocuses the magical play of colors and shapes that reproduce tireless door of cosmic door opened by our third eye, and then resume our flight over that port, even on the inner solar system. However meditation will become a vice, a vice that we want to give love to the Universe along with the rest of us. We understand that there are no limits, no boundaries, in the fifth dimension, sixth, seventh, eighth and thus the infinite expansion that we can get, we want only to expand!

This returns the body of light and flying beyond the boundaries of the solar system. We are flying beyond the Pillars of Hercules of our galaxy, where he also passed the orbit of Pluto not remain to us that asteroids, dust and border gas. Now our galaxy began to take classical spiral and becomes increasingly smaller, now I begin to see one, two, five, hundred, and then endless galaxies around the Solar System. We are traveling at supersonic speed in an unknown space and infinite, towards the borders of the universe that probably not even exist.

We are expanding to infinity and we can only contemplate the infinity of the cosmos boundaries. The contrast between the infinite darkness and the glitter of galaxies, stars and planets never seen before parading our sub-conscious vision plan brings us a mix of sensations. Let’s try from the respect and love shown to the God of the Whole, to the joy at the realization that we are not finished.
Beyond our physical body that is not even a grain of sand in front of the whole, we are now testing the infinitude of our soul, our higher self can merge with the universe beyond the definition of which there is nothing else . Or better to say that beyond it there is nothing but the infinite God.