If you're listening to the whole thing, please post timestamps as a comment, the first one to do so (and correctly) will get a 100% upvote from me :)
meeting tl;dr
Dev sync
as always listen to this one, @blocktrades touched on many subjects on top of the usual dev sync, we discussed the testnet, updating the libraries and the code freeze among other things.
Add a testnet test on hf24's restore_accounts function
If you don't know, when starting a testnet, you get a lot of logs like this:
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account aellly hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account akiroq hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account angelina6688 hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account balticbadger hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account cheva hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account cn-malaysia hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account cnfund hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
714438ms database.cpp:2046 restore_accounts ] The account dailychina hadn't removed balances, balances can't be restored
Due to hf24 when we restored funds to accounts that won their appeal or were wrongfully not airdropped, but those account don't exist on a testnet to it creates a lot of useless logs. We'll add a condition so that those logs only exist on testnet
status on community account mutes
It was important to get this done before working on other communities types and I'll be working on it in ~2 month so I wanted to know what was the status on it.You can read up on the issue: https://gitlab.syncad.com/hive/hivemind-/issues/145
Force witnesses to run the RC plugin to avoid abuse
Basically make the RC plugin consensus, lots of talk but conclusion was that it wouldn't be for now but would be considered at a later date.
from @asgarth: Discuss RC delegations
There was quite a bit of back and forth there. In the end we discussed the idea of shipping "rc delegations lite" meaning a version of RC delegations where it's a simple "I delegate rc to you" similar to HP delegations. I need to do some work to figure out if this would cover most of the use cases the rc delegation pools would cover or not and see if it's viable and a better solution scaling and complexity-wise.
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I’d have to go back & do some re-reading to refresh myself on the earlier RC Pool structure proposed... but I do recall that I found it rather unwieldy & unintuitive. I’d be happy with the “lite” version as a finished project. Simply divorcing RCs and HP is enough. Major front end & community projects will doubtless have or make the needed automation to handle thousands and tens of thousands of individual delegations to new signups and stakeholders like myself will be happy to delegate much more RC to them while keeping our own voting power intact.
Extremely excited to see note of the foundations of more community structures being worked on. Past Lite RC Credits, I think that’s a major priority.
RC pools allowed multiple people to contribute to the same pool that then could delegate to individuals, this wouldn't be possible with rc delegation lite. Skim through my posts, you can probably find some refresher on how delegation pools works :)
Yes I agree hence why I am probably going to focus some time on it :)
Hmm... I’d always thought that multiple “levels” of delegation were possible but admit I never tried it. So can only natively owned HP be delegated and that would apply to RC as well? If so I see the need for added pool complexity... but lite form would at least help projects crowdsource their supply of account creation tokens I suppose.
at 5:58 Why re-invoke voting on old post? Is the vote burned? Does the author get a reward from past payout votes now?
at about 9:20: One and a half months til hard fork so around middle of June? I like the whole month idea for people to test then the two week warning to the exchanges.
at 12:25 good to hear that the UI's are also being thought about and giving the front end builders time to prepare for changes such as the witness expiration approaching
at 23:10, glad to hear "Keep it simple", and then if needed complicate it.
at 27:30, that left me a bit confused code freeze and testing to start Wednesday then two weeks notify exchanges, a little bit different than earlier in the broadcast.
Thank you for the post and helping keep us informed.
I am still a bit confused over the HF time frame and order, but it still seems like early to mid June for HF 25, and that there will be sufficient time for people to do testing.
Sounds like RC issue still may be up in the air for this hard fork, but also sounds as if progress is being made and I like the keep it simple attitude and then if needed make adjustments.
Did the blocking of votes on old post cause issues? I do not understand why the return to votes on already paid out post.
The vote does nothing to the rewards, but the voter does "burn" some voting power. It's almost exclusively an UX change so that people can vote as they want.
Yes around june.
Yes, we decided to add some last minute small features (hbd interest only on savings) which pushed the date by two weeks.
It was decided to not put it to this hard fork but more about putting it as a soft fork (25.1 basically)
I don't remember why it was blocked @blocktrades can probably chime in, I think it had something to do with hivemind.
Thanks again, I guess people should be allowed to vote on what ever they want even if it means no rewards, I know I have in the past voted on so-called expired post, but I still wanted to let the person know I enjoyed the content.
Yeah, I agree with this change. I onboarded someone recently and they were a bit confused/offput as they found they couldn't even like all the stuff they were discovering which was past payout but of course new to them! It's maybe admirable to try and keep people from wasting voting power, but social considerations should come first & money second! Now, if the blockchain or front ends could somehow detect a vote on an expired post & automatically default to a 1% weight... that would be ideal.
PeakD used to tell you a post was past payout, I imagine they will just bring that back, and then offer leaving a tip or the vote anyway.
My first time listening to the whole thing actually and trying to understand what the devs really discuss...great to hear blocktrades voice 😉😉😉
The timestamps if I'm not mistaken
2.44 - 31.36
Welcome ! as you can see we don't discuss a lot of stuff that is that interesting unless you're actively working on hive yourself :p
By timestamp I ment the timestamps for each topics, see the previous post:
2:47 - Intro(Howo) 3:34 - (Blocktrades) - changes and future planning 8:53 - RC plugin 10:40 - Usage of memory 15:33 - incoming RC delegation api feature 17:08 - json operation limit per block 21:46 - Testnet + Bug bounty 22:54 - Hive stem hackathon 26:01 - test voice on another platform like jitsi and stop paying zoom fees 26:53 - move the meeting ahead by few hours 29:18 - Soft cap hf25 or hf26 31:00 - Max curation rewards on top of author rewards 33:15 : Review Issues on gitlab
Confusing much, I commented with a timestamp on YouTube because there they are active links...

Great job either way, imo these videos should be tailored to/for developers Off the Hive blockchain as well as us on it. We need to attract more devs just as much as users/members.
Thank you so much for explaining me mate, really appreciate it.
Well...it's true...for someone like me...it is quite difficult to understand what you guys are discussing...but all thanks to you people that users like me can enjoy the platform. Thanks for all.
From my side...you can count on me for some awesome foods...anytime! 😉😉😉
The developer meeting will be recorded and available for us to catch up? Let us know.
@howo @Yehey
The link with the youtube recording is literally the first thing in the post
I also look forward to your support, I am sure the work will produce the best results ... Keep up the spirit, friends.
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