
I responded. :) Dude is one of those guys waiting for others to make it interesting. Look at my posts. I get engagement. That is because I engage. I'm not getting rich... That is for sure. :) I'm trying to do what I can to make it better instead of complaining.

He's bored. That is a feeling state. He should fix it. :)

He is one of the few people who gets the conspiracy stuff I'm researching, so I want to see him cope with the fact that about 95% of Steemians are totally brainwashed, without freaking.

You are so much more rational that most :)

And the comments on this post are mind boggling!

Well you are a much better conspiracy guy than most. Most are paranoid and negative.

:) I find you fun and funny. Let' keep your guy here, he just needs engagement. Most of the people just want engagement.