The Old Dog Attends: The Second Meetup of Cryptopolis as it Promotes Blockchain Technology

in #meetup7 years ago

On Tuesday February 6th I had the pleasure of attending the second Meetup organized by Cryptopolis whose stated goal is to promote the knowledge of Blockchain technology in the Swiss Canton of Ticino.   

During the evening 3 companies presented their projects, which are all in various stages of development and are looking for ICO investment. I will briefly present two of them here.    

Ubiatar And Sgame

 The two projects have apps that can be downloaded to your device.

Be Everywhere With Ubiatar   

Ubiatar is a platform that allows users to “hire” an avatar (another human who uses their smartphone to communicate with the person that hires them) and have them to go places and look at things for them. The avatar will then be paid with a crypto currency token.   

Here is how they describe their service:   

“Ubiatar is the only project offering a viable and a real solution to the ancient dream of mankind: having the power of ubiquity, or instant transfer to any place.   The starting point is a normal smartphone held by a local individual (the Avatar); everything that is seen and heard by the Avatar is sent over the network to the Person at home (Usar) that in turn directs the Avatar so that he/she acts as his/her remote body.   The directions are given with a revolutionary GUI (Graphical User Interface) superimposed over the live video stream.”  

 Here is a Video That They Showed us to Present Their Project: 

Mine Crypto While Playing Games With Sgame   

Sgame is an app that allows access to popular games which, when interfaced through the app allows the player to win tokens. These tokens can then be traded for prizes that are shipped to the user via Amazon free of any charges including shipping costs.  

The Sgame platform is being promoted by PewDiePie who helped develop it and is advertising it to his almost 8 million followers.    

This project is already up and running on a small scale but to reach the number of transactions that were spoken of during the presentation (many millions per day) they are going to need a fast Blockchain that can scale!    

Meetups Give You a Great Chance to Learn About Crypto

After the meetup there was an opportunity to mingle with the presenters and guests and to share thoughts and ideas on the present and future of crypto.

If you want to increase your knowledge in Blockchain technology why not look for and attend a meetup in your area?

A Closing Thought on Steem And Steemit!

Although I enjoyed the meetup and continued my crypto education I must say that I'm glad that I'm already part of Steemit. Why?

  • We're not involved in an ICO but we have a living, thriving blockchain!
  • We've got the fastest and most used blockchain in the world!
  • We've already been around about 2 years and have had two Steemfest meetups!
  • We're closing in on 1 million users!
  • There are all kinds of apps that are being built on the Steem blockchain and when you own Steem you're basically invested in them all!
  • We will soon have the release of SMT's which will raise the value of Steem!

All told, this is a great place to be!

I hope that you enjoyed this review of two of the projects form the second meetup of Cryptopolis.

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!

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Wow it is a fun and evolutionary way to earn with Ubiatar although I am septic that it would work because of risks of misuse and abuse of that system where they make a remote control of another human for payments but great concept nonetheless.

thanks for information on cryto n blockchain .

These two new ideas are amazing.I watched both videos about a project.I think these new ideas will soon popular on steemit.Thanks for posting such a brilliant ideas.

I watched both the videos. Interesting projects. I'm not sure how much adoption can the avatar thing get. Aren't there things like VR and AR which will take care of the need to be in another place? I'm not sure. I get scared by all these ICO projects selling something unique. I think most of them these days are purely scam. These guys have a vision and a product though.

I think crypto based gaming platform has good chances of adoption. Avatar, I'm not so sure. Being part of Steemit is such a blessing. Having people like you to read and learn from is what makes Steemit better than many other blockchain projects.

You are very right dear friend @ kus-knee, I share all your words regarding steemit and steem, without a doubt we are in the right place at the right time, I feel an enormous happiness to be part of this reality.
I wish you a prosperous weekend, surrounded by family and friends

I totally agree with you @jlufer (73). I believe we are in the right place at the right time.

My only regret is that I wasn't consistent when I started 2 years ago.
I have learned a big lesson in this and I'm applying what I've learned in every aspect of my life.

I feel very honored to be a part of this wonderful community.

Thanks for the very interesting post. They both sound very interesting, and the avatar technology seems useful in many respects. I buy and sell antiques, and I can see how this technology could possibly be utilized in that niche, but the possibilities seem endless.

"Be Everywhere With Ubiatar" I like this idea! Interesting!!! I think, that every person at least once in life were in need of such an avatar! It is necessary to check, whether it works in Russia

Considering that I'm heavy on games, my money is on Sgame - a perfect way to have fun and make money simultaneously

Thanks for sharing

all videos are awesome, thanks for sharing your, nice post my dear, @kus-knee

that's pretty cool to know.............

good .. i really like this information. thank you for sharing information

seems a good game and i have heard about it from pewdie pie too.

My phone is already so slow, I can't imagine what mining would do to my processing speeds.

Meetup of Cryptopolis are very beneficial. Ubiatar And Sgame platforms are wonderful.

Stay blessed



Nice info buddy, useful for me. Thanks for sharing..

Let's hope that you will be attending a Greek-Steem meetup as well in the near future @kus-knee ;)

Both apps sounds good, hope it bring benefits for everyone. Agree with you we are lucky to be part of this community.

We will soon have the release of SMT's which will raise the value of Steem!

What a great news! I'm glad to hear that.

Amazing new ideas. Yes, I agree that we are fortunate to already be involved with Steemit and the blockchain. What a great adventure we are enjoying!

Considering that I'm heavy on games, Sgame seems like a good way to have fun and mine coins at the same time.

But like you said, Steem has the advantage.


would have loved to have attended the seminar with you I watch the first video and I agree with what you have to say steemit is the place to be

Wow, I like

Excelente articulo, gracias por compartir información de vanguardia, par aquellos que no hemos podido estar en dichos eventos. Este es un articulo que merece ser compartido

wow this is awesome :)

Can't wait for SMT's to appear. Hey it's Melix! :d

Really good news! I've never heard of Ubiatar or SGame. Maybe i would try them once, but i think there is already too much emphasis on smart technical devices, at the expense of real human life. Instead, I choose real human relationships, even if at first they are just virtual. I'm working on bringing Hungarian steemians together and later we'll have a Hungarian Steem meeting.

I think these apps are also still very dependent on humans. With the Ubiatar for instance, we cant be in all the places we would like to be, so we would just basically be making use of another human there! i find it exciting and advantageous. Bringing steemians together is a great project though, without doubt.

I think Id rather buy our stock than those other ones!!!! I enjoyed the review!

I love hearing all the positive points you make about Steem! You are a great motivator!
Have you been by lately to see to well the Shadow Contest is doing? Round 4 Winners- Line Shadows
I'm having so much fun with it!

I think attending meetups is a great way to network and learn more about this new technology. You're a pretty smart old dog, I think!!

Blockchain is really now spreading to the masses with individual and collective effort this could go beyond this is the future :)

Thanks a lot for such an informative post. Cryptoeconomy is about to revamp entire global economy.

Thanks for sharing your experiences and the things you learnt there it seems like a great event :)

I have to agree with you Old Dog !" All Told this most definitely is a great place to be !" Steem On @kus-knee!👍👍👍💕😀

Yes,we must succeed together

those two videos were very interesting to look into got to know a lot about this project you had a great time there

Yeah, Let's succeed Together!
New and New technologies are coming into blockchain and contributing to make it great :)
It's a good news.
My best wishes are with you all who are contributing to make this community grow :)

this is really cool oh is that pewdipie

It's awesome to learn about new blockchain technology, but I my favorite blockchain remains this one! :)

your closing thoughts about steem make me so much happy to be on this platform

I am sure that your performance was the best. Thank you for telling other users about Steem.

Я уверен, что Ваше выступление было самым лучшим. Спасибо, что рассказали другим пользователям про Steem.

quite useful

The information is very helpful and inspiring

Wll they have meeting in LA

Thanks for sharing @kus-knee. It's really an honor to be here.

Old age is certainly creeping up on me, 😔I guess that's why I forgot the meeting last Tuesday😬

Great job @kus-knee! Thank you for your support. You always inspire me!

We've got the fastest and most used blockchain in the world!

This is already worth all the celebrations! How many overhyped coins out there don't even have a convincing white paper, let alone an ongoing project?

I wish I could go to a meetup like this. Someday it will be. Thanks for posting about that.

Yeah, bringing steemians together is definitely a great project

Thank you for your review of the two projects at Cryptopolis. Sounds interesting for me working with startups. Look forward to seeing their progress. I'm also glad that I'm already part of Steemit. I didn't know it's hitting 1 million users!

they should have talked about steemit too! It's great that blockchains are moving people to create new things. It's interesting to discover them. Some we may consinder good, some bad. Time will say if they are useful or not. In my oppinion I consider Ubiatar a good basic idea, but for working and business applications! Sgame it's really interesting we've to see if they have the technology to support it!

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