{STEEM MEETUP SINGAPORE] Calling all fellow Steemians in Singapore!

in #meetup9 years ago

I wanted to reach out to all my fellow Steemians in Singapore and see if anyone is keen on creating a meetup group. It would be nice to connect with others face to face.

Possible Discussion Topics:

  • How are you using SteemIt currently?
  • How will you use it going forward?
  • Feature and enhancement ideas
  • App ideas
  • How can we solve the bot issue? If it needs solving at all.
  • Promotion ideas
  • Whatever the hell else we want to talk about!

Let me know if anyone is interested in the comments below!

Video I had made!


Glad to know theres Singaporeans in Steemit!

my hands raised.

OMG! CAN SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO TAKE MY STEEM OUT IN SGD! I'm so fed up with this nonsense crypto-exchange rates here! Happy to accept any advice so I can maximise my STEEM into SGD