eSteem is an application that has a both mobile application, and has a desktop application that provides an alternative way to interact with, it comes with a lot of handy options, that makes the application more attractive. You can write your post on the app, edit it, schedule to post it at a desired time of the day even if you’re not online. You can also surf your favourite steemian blog, follow new friends, check out what is trending, and upvote people’s content.
The esteem application was developed by one of the great developers of @good-karma
Other functions like discovering of new tags, search, checking wallet activity are all made possible with the eSteem application. Lastly, you stand the chance of getting curated if you use the app in preparing your post, as well as using the ‘esteem’ as one of your tags.
My Experience at the Aceh eSteem Meetup
It was an electrifying atmosphere when myself and some reputable Steemians all converged at CBQ Cafe Kota Lhokseumawe, where we all had lots of fun while discussing the eSteem application and the endless opportunities it presents to the Indonesian community. The event was packed with reputable Steemians that are already using the eSteem application, which has a sleek user interface to carry out their day-to-day engagement on the Steem blockchain.
The aim of the meetup is to improve and increase the adoption of the eSteem application, which has both the mobile application and a desktop version. Being the first of such meetups here in Indonesia, the attendance was quite moderate, it is my hope that subsequent meetups will be a large convergence and will see hundreds and thousands coming together to talk about the various ways they maximize the use of the eSteem applications.
So, the event basically as the name implies, a meetup, where people connect with the various members of the Steemit community, getting to know each other, and sharing insights about the various intricate aspect of one's engagement on the steem blockchain.
Impact of the Event
As the “1st Meetup of Aceh-Indonesia Esteem” family, the event had a massive impact on the people in attendance for various reasons, first of all, they get the first-hand experience of how the platform works, and how to effectively use the platform. We also share information on how to schedule a post, and some other exciting features the application offers. Attendants were very excited about the endless opportunities the eSteem application presents, as they were able to get first-hand knowledge on how to use the application.
Others that are conversant on how to use the platform, got valuable insight by sharing their experiences on the platform, also when they listened to other people’s insight, they discovered some interesting tips that can help improve their engagement on the platform. It was a win-win event, where everyone went home with something great.
Like I earlier stated, it was a fun, and exciting atmosphere, filled with great conversation, networking and exchanging of contacts. What started out as just an idea on the Discord server, could materialize into a full fledge meetup, and I am certain there will be subsequent meetups.
Here are the usernames of the attendants of the event, feel free to follow them and check out their posts, they are a bunch of interesting people
@zikra @owner99 @helmibireuen @dedyrendra @hattaarshavin @altafalazzam @foways @arie.steem @baroen96 @atika @zulfadli @murizalpangeran @hendrimirza @zaim4d1 @abdullahj @rauzaljm @vikar @sanne @syehlah @rahmads @andi @jalaluddinmusa @hamidi103 @muhammadan @rijal123 @mohd.ichsan @rahmad.azhari @ss2bv @ramdhanil @pimendaryjona @samymubarraq @jauharialz
Video eSteem Meet up
Do you use eSteem?
eSteem is a Mobile& PC app. for Steem with great features. Also, you get Incentives posting through eSteem apps.
eSteem Spotlight; eSteem provides rewards for it top users in Leader Board with most Posts, Comments and Highest Earners.
Download eSteem for your Mobile
Android devices Google Play Store
IOS devices Apple Store
Download eSteem Surfer for your PC
Available for all OS Github
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ini sangat keren,sukses selalu untukmu.
You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!!
Sayang sekali saya tidak bisa hadiri meetup sensational itu, lain kali bila diberi kesempatan oleh Allah saya akan hadir dan ebrtemu anak muda hebat seperti dirimu ya? Tetap semangat dan salam suskes. ingat itu Mobil kita hahahahaha
Whahahaha ingat selalu itu bang :D
Semoga di lain kali bisa kita lakukan lagi pertemuan nya bang , masih ada lain waktu ahhah
your post is very amazing, very useful @yandot
Thanks for you reading
please visit my blog friend because my blog again quiet
Seandainya saya disana, pasti menarik ikut meetup esteem Indonesia.
Masih ada waktu lain om :D
semangat 55 terus berkobar di komunitas EFA bang @yandot
Semangat bang :D
The most interesting experience following the meeting with the esteem of friends, I was very fortunate to get the chance family be esteem for aceh. I'm sure with as sure as that will be developed with great esteem and will have many members. Conratulation for esteem meetup, congratulation for you @yandot and esteem family in Aceh and around the world.
Hopefully we can do more future meetings to make sharing information in this steemit, you are a very wise brother. We will success together in the future!
Do you so, you are very wise in addressing challenges to ensure the progress of esteem in the future, I personally applaud the efforts you so far. Be the best for us, steem. On!!
Best for everyone! :)
Ini tentu saja meetup yang luar biasa, didalamnya tersebut beberapa nama besar yang selalu berkontribusi buat sebuah kemajuan di ranah steemit, bagi saya adalah sebuah apresiasi yang cukup besar untuk kemajuan stemian. Thank bro @yandot semoga suatu ketika saya bisa ikut berpartisipasi
Terimakasih telah membaca postingan saya . Semua dapat hadir di pertemuan berikutnya di masa mendatang , sukses terus
Maaf bang koment tidak sesuai dengan postingan, karena saya mau bertanya tentang hal lain.
Saya barusan posting, tapi akibat jaringan lelet, terposting 2 kali, rencana mau apus salah satunya, bagaimana cara hapus nya, dan apabila tidak di hapus, apakah sistem akan menganggap itu postingan plagiat?
mohon pencerahan.
Sesuatu yang telah dipublikasikan ke steemit tidak dapat dihapus lagi kecuali menghapus isi dari salah satu postingan yang anda inginkan.
Tidak, ini tidak termasuk plagiat tapi hanya saja akun anda terlihat spamer , jadi hapus isinya adalah lebih baik saya pikir :)
Baik, terimakasig bang
Kangen pengen meet-up lagi ketua.. Hehe
Iyaa senior , nanti kita meet up lagi atur jadwal aja sma bang @owner99 :D
Semoga apa yang anda utarakan bermanfaat. Apalagi bisa jidadikan seorang yang handal yang telah mengharumkan nama itu. Semoga hari hari yang menyenangkan
Terimakasih atas , saya akan melalukan yang terbaik untuk itu :)
Bro which of them is you there?
I am still young
Where are you bro
I am ghost
😂 😂 😂
Terimakasih kawan telah berbagi info,kawan good-karma gak masuk pun ke blog saya kenapa@yandot
Waduhh saya kurang tau itu :D
Tapi orang bilang jika kamu masuk ke dalam blog seseorang maka good-karma pun akan masuk bukan begitu kawanku
Hahha itu tidak benar , buktinya saya udah vote tapi apa good-karma masuk?
Gak masuk pun good-karma kok ke blog saya,tolong lah bg yandot masukin good-karma ke blog saya plis,,aku liat postingan bg yandot selalu good-karma yang uvpot,pasti kamu teman good-karma yang sangat baik
Mantap @yandot ....
Gue suka... Gue suka...
Thanks brother :D
Wow very amazing @yandot
Thanks brother
Wah enak gabung bersama stemian
Iya bisa sharing :D
Iya daerah mana tu bang
Meet up selanjutnya saya harus wefie dengan @yandot.. 😂😂
Ditunggu bang jangan ngomong doang 😂
Hahaha.. Soon. Meet up selanjutnya yess.. 😂
Sayang sekali saya terlambat tahu acara meetup ini, saya tidak menemukannya di server discord esteem atau saya melewatkannya. Saya bertekat untuk bisa hadir bila ada dibuat lagi. Mungkin kedepan saya akan berada di kursi paling depan untuk meetup selanjutnya. Banyak ilmu yang bisa diambil pada acara semacam ini. Keep it up dan sukses terus saudara @yandot
Terimakasih banyak bang , semua berkat dukungan kalian juga meet up ini berjalan dengan lancar , semoga ke depan kita bisa melakukan ini lagi bertemu dengan steemian hebat di indonesia ;)
Semoga saja Membawa hikmah bagi pengguna steemit dengan ideal yang kreatif, dalam mengekspresikan tata cara guna steemit di acara meetup yang telah direncanakan ini. Selamat untuk para Sahabat pecinta Steemian Semua...
Salam sukses selalu...
Terimakasih @yandot
Terimakasih banyak bang atas dukungannya :D salam sukses juga :)
Sama sama...Terimakasih kembali. Salam sukses selalu untuk anda @yandot
how i wish we also have meetup with other eSteem users here :-)
Yeah , thats will be awesome man! Thanks for stopping by :)
Awesome. Rl meetups tend to be motivating
Great work brother successful for you brother 🙏
Sukses selalu untuk anda dan esteem,,
Your post is very impressive and useful @yandot