Steemit meeting in ZAGREB, Croatia

in #meetup7 years ago

So yesterday was a fun day :) After two months of trying, people from Zagreb finally got together in person. We are a weird bunch of people, and we do NOT do things the easy way. We could have met when the temperature was normal, but noooo, we waited for it to drop to -20°C because that's just how we roll :)


You see those other tables around us? You're probably thinking "Why aren't you more spread out?" Why are you so close together around one small table? You are almost sitting in each other's laps."
Yeah... About that...There were other people in the cafe when we got there, but when the steemit talk begun it got loud and it got loud pretty fast. We kind of cleared the room ;)

Allow me to introduce us and say a couple of words about these people for there never was a more diverse group connected with the same interest then yesterday. We are pretty much different in every way imaginable, Our age, gender, backgrounds and interests are all different, but we do have one thing in common, our love for steemit and a positive view on life itself. So watch out Nokia, steemit is the one who is connecting people :)


We were talking for 4 hours straight. Time does fly when you're having fun. We took photos close to an end of our little meeting and I just had to have the photo of these two. Beauty and the beast :)

@matejka13 is a famous blogger from Croatia who decided to move her work on steemit 8 months ago. She has been enriching our lives with her words ever since with her post about parenting, travel, food and amazing photographs from all her adventures.

@arrrados is a hairy spider dude who loves beer, mythology and filmmaking. He is actually a member of a group called @tripdespider, 9 guys devoted to filmmaking, but we are happy he decided to make his own steemit account and shoot for the stars.


Here are a young guy and a younger guy making matejka happy :)

@olegw, a young guy, has joined steemit over 2 years ago and is selfless in sharing all of his knowledge with us new, little fishes that are playing with him in this big pond. He is a passionate video produces and videographer whose posts always have an extra quality thing about them, a perfectionist you may say.

@tonac, a younger guy, is our newest member of steemit. He is a student and a lover of life. Reading his posts, a person would think he has been around since the beginnings of steemit, but that's just his ability to write quality and educational posts.


@positivity420, his name speaks for itself. I was actually quite surprised when I met him and found out his age. He is only 19 and has been steeming since he was 17. This guy has been writing for two years and his posts have a positive and educational vibe. You would think he is much older. I don't know, maybe he is an old soul in a young man's body, but never the less, an inspiration to us all.


@rita0404 is a lovely positive creature with lots of experience that has much to say about important topics. She has been around here for just a month now and from her posts, you can see that there is a great potential in her to becoming a person you need to read and follow. Keep a lookout for her. :)

And last but not least, @zen-art, the happy fairy herself :) I will continue to work on my encouraging, educational and motivational posts that have a sole purpose to bring out the best in you. You are more powerful than you know, special and unique, and the world needs you. I am just here to gently push you in the right direction.

Here are some more photos that we took last night:




So what did we talk about for 4 hours? Steemit of course! We are all happy and satisfied with everything steemit stands for and has to offer. We were trading tips and tricks on how to make our posts better, what new applications to use, how to cash out, in what way to comment and behave here, what discord groups are the best oh... And... We were talking about our friends from Šibenik and how we miss them a lot. We are looking forward to steemfest Balkan this years and are eager to meet people from other cities and countries.

Watch out steemit, these are the next whales and witnesses, maybe this is the right time to notice our brilliance :D

All you steemit people out there, Zagreb loves you!

And for our mentioned friends from Šibenik... We are coming for you...



Maybe I didn't get the message, but I liked Sibenik a lot and especially the people there.
I will visit Zagreb this year for the first time and can tell you later, if I liked one over the other ;)

We would like to hear that you like both cities the same :) You are most welcome to visit us 💚

Waiting for you😀

Waiting for better weather conditions :)

Followed you!

It is a running joke in our Croatian discord server :) The biggest and the most active group of steemers in Croatia are from Šibenik so far!

I have met them ;)

Bilo je vrh, bas mi je i steemit postao bolji kada sam vas sve upoznao

Super si nas opisala i ovjekovjecila, draga Petra!
Veselim se buducim druskanjima :) Steem on 🎈😻

Pozdrav iz Beograda 👋

I pozdrav Beogradu!!! 💚

Svaka cast Zege ekipi!

Sounds like a great Steem up! Nice to 'meet' you all! :)

It was great, we had a lot of fun.

Bravo Zagreb!!! Odlicni ste , ma Steemit je cudo @zen-art :) Zar ne @matejka13 💖 ..

@jungwatercolor Cekamo te na kafici 😺😘

:))) 💖💖💖

Kak ste lepi i pametni!! Svi!

cekali smo te :)

Milane, ovaj put imas ispricnicu, al za drugi put - ne dodjes li, neopravdano :P

inace, prica se da je lokacija, bar nekima, super :)

A GIF for you all :) 20180227_204115-ANIMATION.gif

Thank you!!! We look so great and funny!

Hello friend steemians all

FOLLOW @ajaa23 yes Thank @zen-art

Prejaki ste! Ajde uključite se svi u discord chat! WOO HOO! ;)

Waiting for reply from Šibenik crew :)

Samo vi dođite, al kad zatopli :)

Šibenik je ipak centar svita :)
Stižemo garant.

Bravo ekipa

Super ste, vidi se da ste uzivali u druzenju!
Pozdrav iz Novog Sada! :)

Pozdrav Novom Sadu! 💚

Go team Croatia!!! Greetings from a member of the Greek community.We keep on steeming

Greetings to Geek community! Steem on! 💚

@zen-art Croatia is a place I am really keen to visit.Is there a way I could get in contact with you and the other members of the Croatian community ?

HEHE poz ekipi iz Zg vidimo, lipo ste se skupili :-)

Iinteresantno je vidit lica iza accountova. Iman prijedlog jedan za ova okupljanja. Na okupljanju napraviti post na mobu, nakon4 pive, a svakih 20 min moras popit rakiju. Ko ima najsmisniji post dobiva nagradu Top Blogger. ;)

Hahahaha, pa da se sramotimo po steemitu, a ne ne :D

Svati to ka ispit hrabrosti i vjestine

Pozdrav ekipa! Vidim, ugodno drustvo. ;)

Bilo je odlično. Sljedeći put će nas biti u još većem broju nadam se :D

Hey, excellent. Congrats on putting up this meet. It shows you've had a great time.

Full upvote and resteem. As promissd in my donation post ;)

Ps: Petra, molim te, obavijesti me kada se dogovarate za sledeči put. Možda vama dođem u posjetu.

Jao, pa vrlo rado bi te vidjeli. Samo ti nama dođi! Budem ti javila na vrijeme, obećajem 💚

Wow ekipa fenomenalni ste!Znam, znam mi Šibenčani uvik falimo, al brzo ćemo se mi nać! Virujem da vam je ludilo bilo! :D
Love you all 💗


You deserve additional praise for having this meetup despite under weather conditions which local media likes to describe as apocalyptic. :)

Media will show everything as apocalyptic :D

Svaka cast!:) Pozdrav iz Smedereva :)

Weee, pozdrav Smederevo! 💚

Nice one love two here something like this please keep it on🙌

I love as you people do your things, i wish i can come over there one day, keep it on luv u guys 👬

I love d way sibenik does they thing they are kind and everything wish i can be there 1day

Haha.. odlucili ste da napravite fest pre festa pa makar po najvecem mrazu u prethodnih 5 godina :) Svaka cast na inicijativi i veliki pozdravi svima!

To nam je bio izazov, a mi volimo izazove :)

Bravo! Svaka vam cast. Slatki ste i lepo ste se organizovali. Samo napred. Poljubac iz Beograda.

Puse i tebi nazad u Beograd! 💚

hey! i found this post somehow....
inspired to do a bulgarian steemian meeting...
i am on a quest to find my local quild..
cheers! :)

Good luck on doing it, I am sure it will be great.

Malo vas je al' vas ima! :)

Bravo ekipa ! Upvote from Rijeka to Zagreb :) Ubrzo se i ja pridruzujem...See you ;)

Pozdrav Rijeci! 💚

Pozdrav, baš ste hercig!

Jelda? ;) Hvala hvala 💚

so sorry I was too late for this meeting - I'll be with you next time, I promise ... and I may bring at least my guitar with me, if there will be no piano on the location ?!

Yes, of course, you can bring your guitar!