Last week the second lecture within our Crypto For The Masses program was to take place in Oakland, CA. It was intended to break down cryptocurrency for the absolute novice, so that by the end of the night they would have a solid understanding of "what it is", "where to buy it", etc. Unfortunately, I had to cancel the event the night before because I had been fighting an epic cold that didn't go away until Friday of that week. I dislike cancelling events that I build hype up for because a lot of hearts get broken including my own. However, I felt out of respect to my attendees and myself that I take the appropriate time off and recover. Now that I am feeling better we will be picking up again at the beginning of next month. If you are located in the SF Bay Area and would like to meet other like minded crypto enthusiasts follow our group on Meetup.com by clicking this link here. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!!!!