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RE: WWJD? - Mega Churches fail us during Hurricane Harvey

in #mega-churches8 years ago
  1. Joel Osteen is no man of God.
  2. Joel Osteen does not preach the word of God.
  3. Joel Osteen's church is not the house of God.

He and other preachers like Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Jesse Duplantis, TD Jakes and John Hagee are nothing more than pseudo-gospel peddling pimps with a Sunday morning Social Club.

Do you want to know the true message of Jesus? The true message of Jesus was repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, Matthew 4:17.
Repent is a foreign word in our culture, repent means to turn away from, to go away from. To go away from what? From sin. What is sin? 1 John 3:4.

What would Jesus do? Jesus will be obedient to God's law. Want to know what God's law is? All you need to do is read Genesis through Deuteronomy, it's all contained right there.