Blueberry Picking in Avonsleigh

in #melbourne7 years ago

Today @mslillypilly and I went blueberry picking at Avonsleigh Blueberry Farm ( It seems to be quite a European thing to do - we will often come to this farm or another one on Mt Dandenong and hear Russian and other European languages but very few Australians. You get to eat as you pick (depending on the farm) and the berries work out much cheaper than at the supermarket and fresh from the bush they taste amazing. The season is about to end (as I seem to mention several times in the video) but if you have never been blueberry picking I thoroughly recommend trying it out next year (Melbourne season is roughly Dec-Feb).

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Such a relief to see Aussie blueberries. I stopped buying after I found out a certain brand was being made in China and they were using human excrement to fertilise.