u gotta post everyday!
steemppower is just money!
u can earn it and work ur way up liek i did! i started at $0 now i have over $2000 worth of steempower i would have moe if ia ctulay saved ALL my steem since day one back in march of this year and i am stil proud of what ive saved here and i never knew how poiwerful steempower realy was
now im saving asmuch steempower as i can because its just so important for curation and making friends upvoting others is best way to make money bcause u almost "buy" followers that way as one put it...but its NOT buying followers anyay steempower lets you make friends....upvoting othrs treally makes you seen as a powerful users everyone willw anan follow youy u can go help minnows uneer you and they wil be impressed!