
Ask Willy He might help:)

memes are memorable and shareable. This made me choke in laughter.

We should try to emulate benjojo instead of putting him down! Who wouldn't want to be successful?

Anyway benjojo, are you a Bachelor fan too?

938$ for that crap... I want to be like you when I grow up!.. I'm 30 now tho :(

бот обиделся...

Hey, man, take my 0.01 dollar, man. Sure, it will help you. Hobo-power!

Hahahaha I see a dolphin with a dog face demoralized

Censored Word Bot says:
F*k = Fuck
tch = Bitch

--Support Censored Word Bot and upvote this comment--

I feel their sadness. ;) because I mime ... suicide mime :(

Trollin over 80lvl)

hhehhehehehehh oh man , I forget about my failure on steemit

You are admin/mod here?

Lol 0.001 bruhhh!

bot will be offended?


Only with pictures arranged you can make money? I follow you? Hahah

Even if i see why the downvotes i still think it's funny as hell, partly because of the dog face and partly because im high.

its funny to bribe a whales with 0.001 sbd,
its more likely they sent private message to whales

Ahahhah :)

nice, @benjojo

you spoiled people))))

 9 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for sharing your opinion r4fken. I hope you understand that not a single meme i've posted in the last few days has simply been about being funny. I made some meme's....this is the last one i'd made post and i'm posting them. What do you want me to do? How can I be responsible for what other people's bot's or voting choices are? Would you prefer it if i self-censored? I don't vote for myself, I upvote everyone who makes even a passing effort to contribute and i'm already thinking about how I can use what i've made to give back..... There is room in Steemit for every kind of content, there has to be, certainly until the whole of humanity has had a chance to adjust.

Edit - You do also realise that a significant percentage of the rewards go to people engaging in the post.....any engagement helps distribution of steem.

Now you're just milking the fact that you're on a botlist, knowing that you didn't get on it for posting 1 minute steem-memes.

This indirectly gives newbies a big incentive to post low quality memes in an attempt to also get $600 in upvotes (which they wont, let's be real here). The end result being that the bot curator gets a smeared name and loses curation power, you lose your valuable place on the botlist and we all lose value and content on the network as a whole due to the increase of spam being shoveled onto it for a quick buck.

Please show some restraint and make this network a better place. It starts with yourself.

None of the memes took a minute and I believe that only my meme content is on bot lists. But ok spookypooky, you've convinced me that self-censorship is the only option. No more memes from me.

you don't need to self-censorship.
He only said to stop "abuse" it, maybe by posting with 3-4 memes in a unique post

It really doesn't matter. I don't wish to leave myself open any further to other people's opinion on what consitutes 'abuse.' There is a conflict in subjective value evaluation here which to a large degree takes the fun out of the posts. One thing is for sure, the meme post rewards are out-sized as are many of the post rewards. I was doing my best to minimize mine and maximize the rewards for those engaging. I appreciate all the support my memes have received but i'm just going to wait for the rewards to be more balanced.

Moar memes is the answer, cheftony is right.

Teachem@ benjojo!!!

r4fken thinks your taking advantage of your bot army to earn "easy" money.
Might be true might be false but I think that there are no rules to steemit, it's open, uncensored, and if you have a good following than why not use it. it's a matter of taste, some say memes are trash some wont.
will wait to see what are you plans to give back to the community.

Unfortunately I may have to reconsider those plans. I was intending to run a meme/steememe competition. I thought it would be fun. I still intend to give a proportion back in some way but i think i'll have to come up with something else.

You are reconsidering your plans based on a comment by r4fken ?

Have you seen some of the shit he DOES think is funny (like his ongoing mocking posts of him getting naked)? I do wish that he would self-censor.

I think nuclear engineers may not be the best standard setters for what constitutes valuable posts or what is good for Steemit.

lol! No hard feelings r4fken, but i needed that. He may not have appreciated the memes but between him and spookypooky, they raise issues that can't be ignored. I just don't have the wisdom to navigate a mine-field of conflicting values for the sake of memes. I've worked too hard over the years to try to bring blockchain to everyone to let something like this interfere. I honestly do not want to be on any bot lists at any time for the rest of the life of my account....though i appreciate their support to date. Thank you erath.

You are one of the first, whos memes are succesfull. so do the same. I dont anderstand why somebody downvote u. If it is a competition - i can take part too. U can start new post - about starting the competition. good idea, i think.

Funny memes! Do more, i will be happy to see more)

r4fken. I've tried to be understanding of your point of view but you are not the arbiter of what is right and wrong, what has value and what doesn't, what people's motives are and what they are not. Your reference to my meme's being posted as abuse is insulting. That may not matter to you, as it seems you are someone who likes to dish it out but not take it....based on your excessive insulting of erath. I've perhaps emboldened your arrogance by acquiescing, in some regards, to your point of view which is a shame. It won't happen again.

I find myself less and less interested in what you think is the "truth". It's clear you want to caste my actions in a negative light. Anyone that is interested will form their own opinions. Here is the truth from my perspective. I came up with several memes I hoped were fun and with a serious point of discussion within the community. That is why I wanted to post them individually. My previous posts were not particularly valuable and I had no idea the first memes I posted would be upvoted by a whale. I was thrilled to see the number of votes, the reward value and the amount of other memes and engagement they were generating. At some point I noticed the immediate bot votes, then later a whale vote and figured it was my memes that were being upvoted so felt comfortable that if it was a mistake, the vote on the meme would be changed. They were'nt so I continued to assume consent....though it is difficult to be put in a position where you need to work out the motives of a bot when you don't fully understand the criteria for selection. Before posting any memes whatsoever, I had been contemplating how to start several charity type initiatives and wether you believe this or not, I couldn't care less, but my intention was always to generate funds and discussion for the express purpose of either distributing Steem, having fun, or supporting charitable initiatives. When the question of appropriate rewards, the impression it gave to some people and the question of my motives came up, I listened and tried to temper my sense of injustice and understand how other people might feel. This includes your opinions. But your self-righteousness and excessive insults need to be met. I can see that there is a danger for Steemit to devolve into a great waste of time if we are all required to continually defend our motives, thoughts and action from attack.

Indeed. The fact that you like a good fight is all to clear. Don't bother to address any of my sincere attempts to counter your claims of abuse. Just stick with your shallow judgement at all costs and slope off when you sense the fight is turning in a direction you may not like. You are right about one thing, it is too good a day to be spoiled by this ugliness.

I don't care for your casual smearing and insults but here we are. Best of luck.

as for me - posts were really funny. I will wait for next. it is good work)

@r4fken humor is really the beholders perspective..what is funny to you may be appalling to me!

possibly, I just know he was trying to share love to all of us and I support that!

@r4fken The possibility just means chance! share love to all of us and I support ? How is that a contradicting sentence?