This graph doesn't actually show anything. Yes, it depicts a downtrend, but there ins't enough information to give it's attempt at expression validity or credibility.
your correct it shows no numbers and no comparison, but the graph is correct if we look at how many dollars it took to buy a gallon of gas 2 years ago 5,10,30,100 years ago it will always take more dollars to buy what we need. Thank you for the comment :)
Yeah - but it's not that simple. You're completely neglecting inflation, cost of living, price of commodity, supply and demand. Basically everything we know about economics. Liquidity for goodness sake. The argument you make is moot, essentially.
This graph doesn't actually show anything. Yes, it depicts a downtrend, but there ins't enough information to give it's attempt at expression validity or credibility.
your correct it shows no numbers and no comparison, but the graph is correct if we look at how many dollars it took to buy a gallon of gas 2 years ago 5,10,30,100 years ago it will always take more dollars to buy what we need. Thank you for the comment :)
Yeah - but it's not that simple. You're completely neglecting inflation, cost of living, price of commodity, supply and demand. Basically everything we know about economics. Liquidity for goodness sake. The argument you make is moot, essentially.
Inflation is The expansion of the money supply which is making it so we need more dollars to buy houses, more dollars to buy commodities.
So that graph is no where near wrong the fed prints money which means its gonna take more dollars to buy things its really that simple.
Buy more silver!