Whoever has pets always enjoys those moments when our pets are being cute, adorable, silly and especially funny.
I have noticed here on steemit that some stemians with pets have posted pictures of them and stories, which I always appreciate and support.
Some have even created accounts specifically for their pets and have post on behalf of them. Even though I respect that, I don't think I will get that far 😹
Some of you that have read some of my post can easily conclude I am an animal lover and have adopted streets dogs and cats. Today I felt like posting my very silly pet post, I couldn't spent almost 6 months on steemit without a funny pet post.
I would like all of you to meet one of my babies, the smallest of the family but the biggest terrorist:

Zuki is a mix of Burmese, street cat and Himalayan, and she always demands affection 24/7 so much that it could be annoying sometimes, but her cuteness and way to show love make us very happy.
Since she is EXTREMLY expressive, I decided to take pictures of her expressions and share them with you through memes dedicated to the Crypto World 😻
And now… enjoy the cat memes:
A weak hand during a crash:
Zuki Yoda:
A real OG during a bear market:

Crypto confused:

Bullish green market:

Amazing expressions! She really communicates her changing thoughts. Nice job capturing them.
thanks @aerialpegasus
So cute! Zuki is adorable. Upvoted :)
I am rat lover... but I love all furry beings and you have a "model" here :) some faces are hilarious
she is the best!
Zuki is so adorable.
thats right, the rest of my cats are adorable too
with this sentence from @evecab,
I was expecting the hot pictures as a bonus at the end ;) hehe
were you? hahaha dont know what to say really.
hahahah I can tell that Zuki is EXTREMLY expressive as you said.
The internet is dominated by cats and Steemit it's not the exception LoL
Zuki is very photogenic! Looks like she's wearing a superhero mask, like Robin 😸.
I'm @c0ff33a @el-cr , I just like sharing cool posts like yours and @mikesthoughts
@coff33a's posts are always dope ;) I should share them more :)
Awesome , cats are the best ^_^ , have a look at post 10 & 11 of mine to see my cat and dog.
Thank you for the laughs @el-cr....Loved the "Bear Market" one... the expression....I probably have the same look when I tell my friends "No! I am not cashing out!! I am hodling on!!"...
I relate :(
haha but dont be sad, happiness is what is coming your way bro.
I saw your link on the Caturday Discord channel, and had to come over to see cat memes. Zuiki, with those big eyes, is very expressive. Funny memes!