I'm a strong believer in this! Sometimes difficulties in life come as blessings in disguise!
Then one day you realize, it’s really been the coffee all along. Strong and bold, smooth and creamy, iced or hot - always there, making every day a little brighter. Love can fade, pancakes can weigh you down, but coffee? Coffee is forever! ☕️ ❤️ ☕️
I had my morning walk, in the sunshine, saw my flowers on the way back in, having my coffee and will try to enjoy the simple pleasures that I have: health, family, grandchildren, friends, job, home, food..... I could go on; very blessed this day and every day!
I am grateful for this life, the air I breathe, the nature I live in. I am grateful for the love I am surrounded by, the relationships I have. Grateful for my husband, my kids, my friends. I am grateful for the food, water, clothes, the wealth. I am grateful to God because of him I have a wonderful life. Thank you!