Steem Sucks Memes

in #meme6 years ago

We may be powerless to fight back against the evil steemit INC corporation, but we can meme!



If you have anti steem memes please share, no pro steem memes though. Too many people here have a shit eating grin as they drink Ned's kool aide. He is just delaying everyone while he powers down and abandon's Steemit. It's been clear for some time he doesn't want to be here.


pocketsend:11@madalchemist, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

Successful Send of 11
Sending Account: pode
Receiving Account: madalchemist
New sending account balance: 96284
New receiving account balance: 10
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 893d3d5faca54aa02405852e5117b601bbce955b
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.