
Yep, it's a bubble.

But, what do we do when The US dollar dies... then what will we compare bitcoin to?

With the euro? yuan? pounds sterling? As for me, the fiat system will die and collapse for a long time. And private digital money (the same bitcoin) will not immediately prevail, there will still be a struggle between state crypto money and conventional cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, etc.

It is going to be one of those strange charts (BTC/USD)

bitcoin goes up and up and up and... then the chart ends.
Because USD dies.

Soooo, they say what goes up, must come down... but that chart will be, forever in history that bitcoin never came down.

I believe that when we actually start using cryptos in everyday life, that bitcoin will be the thing everything is denominated in. However, i also doubt that anyone will really use bitcoin.

So, that cup of coffee cost 100 millisatoshis, but you pay in HIVE and they coffee shop receives LTC (when you receive the coffee, as per smart contract)
(use any two active cryptos)

Yes, it is logical, you reason correctly)

Hubs-crosschains-bridges in the crypto that have been created for more than one year to something like this and will lead - there will be one large crypto-network on top of the Internet, tied to decentralized finance, decentralized communities (DAOs) and governance in general.

Very few people understand where everything is really going. We will see how the (pseydo)decentralized deep (anti)state will come into battle with ordinary states and their governments, consider that now just preparations are underway.

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