
How many BLM protestors were shot by police?

Over what period?

25 people killed by the police according to The Guardian, this past year.

Thanks for looking this up but the article actually says:

Nine of the people killed during protests were demonstrators taking part in Black Lives Matter protests. Two were conservatives killed after pro-Trump “patriot rallies”. All but one were killed by fellow citizens.

Thus according to the maths from this article only ONE BLM protestor has been shot by police.

25 people is the total killed in political unrest from all sides and by all methods.

Sorry I was fast checking and looking for info, I misunderstood totally that headline. Also I'm surprised because I can't find what was that single case of the police that killed the protester 🤔.

We are so privileged to have Hive as a place where people of different political opinions can civilly discuss issues.
We have more in common than we have differences.
Can't wait til Exode colonisation is up and running.

Indeed, I find Twitter and Facebook so paternalists, if ppl don't actually argue in a civilized way hardly we will understand to each other. Things are learn with practice mainly, if you don't have a debate with people of different opinions than yours you won't learn to debate at all.