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RE: Transisto paying for dinner

in #meme3 years ago

And I will ask you this question one more time to further reinforce your fucking brilliance.

¿Who the hell benefits in the entire ecosystem through your fucking childish behavior and damn stupid private vendetta with transisto?

Just ¡Decline Payouts! fucker. And even so you can still continue your stupid game with Transisto without stealing from anyone what you don't owe.


Hahahahaha, you wanna hear a good gossip & joke @networkallstar?

The great, eloquent and astonishingly brilliant Marky has not only been unable to answer my questions with all his dazzling brightness and coherence to defend his ignorant behavior and childish stupid position. But that apart from "downvoting" our brightless comments, he suddenly decided to also mute me. LoL

Yeah that's true. So I'm gonna take advantage of his supposed temporary blindness to upvote your comment, regardless we both know he has a ton more of Alts out there to read our comments & keep enjoying his beloved drama.

Yeah, I have a Blurt account that I created a few years ago in which I haven't really posted much on yet. But that's just because I find Hive a bit more fun to polish off the surprising shine of some gleaming users.