The image used to create this meme was named "Conspiracy Theorist," and as such, has mostly been used to make memes that ridicule those of us who dare to challenge the official narrative. The government has done an excellent job of applying negative connotations to the phrase "conspiracy theorist." This has resulted in many being afraid to search for truth, or even denying it when it is blatantly in front of them, all so that they might avoid the humiliation of being branded a conspiracy theorist.
We all know how stupid this is. Defending lies in an effort to conform to society, or avoid being labeled an outsider. But, what if the ridicule was targeted at conspiracy-deniers? What if society deemed it crazy to still be adhering to official narratives when so much evidence has come out recently that proves the conspiracy theorists had it right? Perhaps then, the insecurity that drives people away from truth, may be the catalyst that urges them towards it?
I'm currently working on a YouTube video that will satirically address this very issue. But, it may take a while because it's quite a lot of work for me to do alone, considering it is going to be a cartoon of sorts. In the mean time, I wanted to create this meme as a bit of a teaser. I would love to see more of this sort of thing trending on the big social media sites, instead of the insults thrown at those stupid fools who believe that there was more to 9/11 than we were told, or that vaccinations are not safe for our children.
If you like it... Consider giving it a share on your social media platforms.
Keep an eye out for the video in a few days.
I think @corbettreport has found a great formula with his 5 minutes satire clips. Here are examples that might inspire you:
Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!!
JFK: A Conspiracy Theory
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
OKC - A Conspiracy Theory
James Corbett is a legend!
...and he is passionate about open source journalism:
Lol. These were great.
Thanks for sharing them.
Yeah, I wonder if he made more...
Just read your secret message, b.t.w. :-)
Damn those coincidence theorists!
Well said, @son-of-satire. And your earlier writing makes a lot of sense too: On our end, we are building tool for social networks (including Steemit) to help people dealing with that - check description of the project here @akolonin and its outcomes here @aigents
Thank you very much. I do feel that the article you mentioned was some of my best work.
I'm familiar with your project, as I remember a comparison of sorts that your software ran on one of the founders. Is there a utility for the average user to conduct a similar analysis of our own accounts?
and I assume our project may be the best candidate to build its neural system. And we are looking for partnership on technical side (make it integrated with Steemit to greater extent) as well as business side (so we get funds for CPU and memory to make unleashed AI-based analytics on Steemit content and community as well as further technology development).Hi, thank you in return. There is utility, but it is command-line only. Reason is that we still under-staffed, under-funded and under-hardware-resourced so giving this service right away for free is something that we can't afford for the moment. However, there is some basic info on how to get what you want here and there is also additional information here . The post that you have mentioned is not only your best work but it also pins the key issue of our @aigents project ;-) I am considering @steemit as the best candidate to build the backbone of what I call distributed internet intelligence, given the mission described in this video
Also, what I have commented earlier applies only to and social networks. For Facebook, Google+ and VKontakte any user can obtain basic personal analytics via menu as shown in this video:
(advanced analytics with configurable report contents and periods would be available on commercial basis). For Steemit (and possibly), we would make this possible as soon as there is authentication API like one exposed by Facebook, VKontakte or Google+ - then we could serve user-specific services being assured user account on Steemit corresponds to Aigents account on This is the key thing that we would get in cooperation with Steemit among many other things ahead :-)
By the way, I am now writing the paper (for scientific publication) describing the "under-the-hood" details of the project. Do you think Steemit policy ("everything is public") makes it possible to cite results published here - for named accounts?
How did I miss this? I check your page multiple times a day to see if you've snuck back in and posted, lol.
Some posts you've missed that you should see: His part One, there's a part two out also: I put this in chat, but my long windedness could have made the prospect of checking through everything daunting. @dragosroua is conducting his own experiment: