brah not gonna bring me down..not for no one... snowflakes gonna melt

in #meme8 years ago (edited)

Lets be clear you can try and down vote me as much as you like, my lower rating only fuels my desire to continue dropping some honest ass comments throughout the steeming pile of ego stroking jackoffs that seem to be aplenty on here..... Muhahahaha 8)

My brutal honesty so far has only gained me fallowers.... A few lost here and there but thats fine.... Now if i can only find some upvotes to undo the whale damages haha


You want something that's really brutally honest? Read some stirner

being intellectual and a free thinker doesnt remove your morality or free you from it... Morality begins after birth and how your cared for... If your givin love, love is what you know and what youll try and grow

yes it does. Morality doesn't objectively exist. It is only a spook.

Love is only a chemical, it is not a force of nature or anything similar. I would put it on the same class as prescription medicine.

you are not a free thinker if you have morality.

"you are not a free thinker if you have morality."

If he accepts your invitation to limit himself to this feeble definition you have so generously supplied, he would not then be a free thinker. As it is he has chosen to remain free-thinking and to pursue his sense of morality at his leisure. He is right to laugh at you.

morality is not an objective fact

Im deeply sadden by what you believe is free thinking let alone intelligence lmfao

yet you provide no argument.

unless you can prove it objectively exists, its just a thought in your head. Its like laws, rules, and property rights.

love is a chemical addiction.

Says one who has confused the feelings of drugs with emotions and probably done one to many and which has really damaged your ability to connect with others and experience the awe and synchronicity of the universe

looks like you have some reading to do lmao.
love isn't an emotion. It's a drive, like hunger.

for real tho love is just a chemical lmao