
"slave mind set"

communism is based on democracy lmao

Democracy is a horrible system of government.

you've never had democracy under capitalism, do you even know the different forms of it?

Voluntary decision making processes in my view =/ governance. All governing in the past hasn't been voluntary, so I think that it should be included as a necessary part of governance. Thus democracy as a form of governance is horrible. Simply because governance is horrible.

capitalism can't exist without a government

you don't know what consensus democracy is do you?

Consensus democracy has to come to a certain degree on what consensus is enough. Unless you think that only a 100% consensus democracy would work.

In my opinion, the capitalists are the slavemasters, aren't they?

In reality, it is the bankers who control both communist, and capitalist nations alike. Nothing happens in this world without (((their))) approval.

there are no bankers under communism

This person has fallen for right wing memery they are lost to the ether my property.